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Palace Group

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Torso and Three-Room Chamber Below Chaac Mask

West facade of east structure, with lower half of human figure.
Jan. 2002
Lower half of human figure to left of great mask.
Jan. 2002
Side view of same figure.
Jan. 2002
Only doorway on west facade of east structure, serrated zigzag motif on foundation.
Jan. 2002
Lower half of figure from above, showing clean separation of upper and lower body stones.
Jan. 2001
Lower half of same figure from below.
Jan. 2003
Outer room just inside doorway in photo above. At left is the doorway to back room.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
Outer room, looking opposite direction from photo at left. At the end is a narrow doorway to inner north room. Showing concave soffit slopes, deep offsets at springing and capstones, and plaster remains.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
Outer room, looking through doorway to back room.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)

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