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Palace Group

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Corner with Open Jaw Serpent Mask

Front of east structure, ground level, showing lower portion of later staircase (staircase reconstructed); famous corner sculpture is at left in this photo.
Jan. 2003
Southwest corner of east structure with, in frieze, famous sculpture of open serpent jaws with human head protruding.
Jan. 2001
Same corner as in photo at left, showing same open serpent jaws in frieze with human head protruding; also showing small carved head in base molding (severe perspective distortion).
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
1888-1891 photograph showing corner sculpture of open serpent jaws with human head protruding (cf. recent photo at right).
1888-1891 photograph by Henry N. Sweet as a member of the Thompson/Peabody expedition; scanned from 35mm slide of original photograph at Dumbarton Oaks. Reproduced Courtesy of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University.
2001. Same view as in 19th c. photo at left; showing southwest corner of east structure of Palace Group; famous corner sculpture of open serpent jaws with human head protruding; also showing other frieze details.
Jan. 2001
Close-up of frieze section in photo at left.
Jan. 2001
Profile of same corner sculpture as in photos above; open serpent jaws with human head protruding.
Jan. 2001
Straight on view of same corner sculpture as in photo at left; open serpent jaws with human head protruding.
Jan. 2001
Close-up of human head shown in photos at left.
Jan. 2001

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