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Palace Group

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Upper Level

Upper level of East Structure, exterior staircase leading up from main level.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
End of east structure, showing collapsed vault, top of exterior staircase in foreground.
Jan. 2002
Upper level: front facade of east structure with two large doorways; each is separated by two columns into three even openings; portions of masks remain above center of both doorways.
Jan. 2001
Narrow doorway at left, notably narrower at top.
Jan. 2001
Large doorway in center of facade, each of two columns is composed of two drums, rectangular capitals and corbels (cf. restored elevation of same room in drawing at right).
Jan. 2002
"Labná, Structure 1, East Wing, south facade . . . detail, Room 59, upper level" (reconstruction drawing of facade of same room in photo at left and photo above).
Scanned from George F. Andrews, Pyramids and Palace, Monsters and Masks; Vol. 1, Architecture of the Puuc Regions and the Northern Plains Area, 1995, p.75.  Reproduced with permission of Labyrinthos, publishers.
Chultune with large, circular catch basin in front of east structure, unusual because it is almost over rooms below.
Jan. 2003 (24 mm lens)
Same chultune and catch basin in front of east structure.
Jan. 2001
Chultune with modern cap.
Jan. 2002

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