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Palace Group

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East (right) End

East structure, showing platform, main level, and upper level.
Jan. 2002
East structure, right end of facade reconstructed 1991-1992.
Jan. 2003
East structure, facade of left end with serpent mask, plaza and facade restored 1991-1992.
Jan. 2002
2nd doorway from left, geometric mask above; staircase reconstructed.
Jan. 2002
4th doorway from left, jambs now slightly tilted, remains of geometric mask above.
Jan. 2002
"Labná, Structure 1, East Wing; portion of south facade (restored)."
Scanned from George F. Andrews, Pyramids and Palace, Monsters and Masks; Vol. 1, Architecture of the Puuc Regions and the Northern Plains Area, 1995, p.175.  Reproduced with permission of Labyrinthos, publishers.
5th doorway from left, facade entirely restored, with cracked lintel.
Jan. 2002
Cracked lintel of doorway in photo at left.
Jan. 2002
Crack in same stone lintel.
Jan. 2002

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