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Pyramid of the Magician (Adivino)

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West Staircase

West staircase was built on top of previous staircase.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
West front, altar with central column in front.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Pyramid with top of staircase seen from the Great Platform.
Jan. 2001 (200mm lens)
Feb. 1923. Right side of staircase, showing extensive collaspse and rare surviving portions of Temple I and passages behind grand staircase at bottom.
Scanned from slide taken of original photograph by M. H. Saville; reproduced Courtesy of The Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History.
Profile of west staircase, subtly divided into three sections by small setbacks near bottom and near top (cf. early photograph at left).
Jan. 2003
Stepped flight of 12 masks on each side of stairs, set back from stair steps; also showing rare surviving portions of Temple I.
Nov. 1999
Lowest mosaic mask at right of grand staircase, showing surviving snout, the ear at left partly covered by staircase.
Jan. 2001
Next to bottom mosaic mask, with unusual spiral eye, ear at left fully exposed.
Jan. 2001
Mosaic mask immediately above mask at left, showing that even the eyelids are similar in these masks.
Jan. 2001
1930. Photograph showing left side of staircase before restoration and before passageway closed by infill added for support, as seen in 2 photos at right.
Photograph by Dan Leyrer as member of the Blom/Tulane expedition, 1930. Scanned from 35mm slide of the original photograph (M.31.4.365). Reproduced with permission of the Middle American Research Institute (MARI), Tulane University.
Base of left side of staircase after supporting infill added to prevent collapse after severe 1988 Hurricane Gilbert. Showing holes for service access (cf. 1930 photograph at left).
Jan. 2002
Right side of staircase after supporting infill added.
Jan. 2002

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