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Pyramid of the Magician (Adivino)

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Early Drawings, Prints & Photographs

1895. Detail from panoramic print of Uxmal; suggesting that ends of Pyramid were partly flat instead of rounded.
Scanned from W.H. Holmes, Archaeological Studies among the Ancient Cities of Mexico, 1895; closely based on Holmes’s 1894-1895 on-site drawing.
Pre-1974 photograph, showing Pyramid after clearing and restoration of west staircase but not masks beside.
Scanned from slide taken of photograph; reproduced Courtesy of The Library Photographic Collection, American Museum of Natural History.
2001. Upper portions of Pyramid as reconstructed and restored (cf. images at left).
Jan. 2001
1017. Early photographs of upper and lower portions of Pyramid.
Scanned from Eduard Seler “Die Ruinen von Uxmal,” 1917; photographs by Caecilie Seler.
Looking from the Nunnery Annex; showing unusual trilobe corner.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Altar with central column in Quadrangle of the Birds, in front of west staircase of Pyramid.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
1895. Vertical cross-section drawing published 1895, showing Temple III at left, IV small room at center, and V at top (page is here reversed to correspond to drawing and photo at right).
Scanned from W.H. Holmes, Archaeological Studies among the Ancient Cities of Mexico, 1895; closely based on Holmes’s 1894-1895 on-site drawing.
Vertical cross-section drawing on INAH plaque; showing Temple V at top; Temple IV at mid-level left; Temple III at mid-level center; Temple II at mid-level right; Temple I at bottom left, largely covered by construction for later temples.
Jan. 2002
Profile of south end, showing both grand staircases, the left (west) staircase steeper; also showing passage behind Temple IV (cf. drawings on INAH plaque at left).
Jan. 2003

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