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Pyramid of the Magician (Adivino)

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Early Drawings, Prints & Photographs

1841. Earliest image of Pyramid of the Magician.
Scanned from Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 1841; closely based on Catherwood’s 1839 on-site drawing.
Detail of print at left.
Scanned from Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 1841; closely based on Catherwood’s 1839 on-site drawing.
View looking northeast to Nunnery Quadrangle and Pyramid of the Magician, from top of the Great Platform.
Jan. 2002

1844. "8. General View of Las Monjas at Uxmal". View south from top of Governor's Palace.
Published in Frederick Catherwood, Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 1844; closely based on Catherwood’s 1839-42 on-site drawing. This image scanned from a 35mm slide taken from a copy in the AMNH (RF-13-K). Reproduced Courtesy of The Library Special Collections, American Museum of Natural History.

Detail of print at left.
Published in Frederick Catherwood, Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 1844; closely based on Catherwood’s 1839-42 on-site drawing. This image scanned from a 35mm slide taken from a copy in the AMNH (RF-13-K). Reproduced Courtesy of The Library Special Collections, American Museum of Natural History.
West front and south end; showing major reconstruction and restoration of much of Pyramid.
Jan. 2001
1843. "West Front of the House of the Dwarf." Showing partially surviving grand staircase, Temple IV, and, at top, Temple V. Much of exterior had collapsed.
Scanned from Stephens and Catherwood, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, 1843; closely based on Catherwood’s s 1841-42 on-site drawing.
1859-60; 1862. West face: earliest  photo of Pyramid of the Magician; showing surviving portions of Temples IV and V at top and almost total collapse of grand staircase and Temple I at bottom.
Photograph mounted in Vol.1 of Désiré Charnay, Cités et Ruines Américaines, 1862; taken by Charnay 1859-60. This image scanned from a 35mm slide taken from a copy in the AMNH (RF-106-D). Reproduced Courtesy of The Library, Special Collections, American Museum of Natural History.
2007. West face: showing major reconstruction and restoration beginning 1927-28.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Feb. 1923, West face: showing surviving portions of Temples IV and V at top and collapse of exterior.
Scanned from slide taken of original photo by M. H. Saville; reproduced Courtesy of The Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History.
Feb. 1923. West face: right side of staircase with Temple IV at top.
Scanned from slide taken of original photograph by M. H. Saville; reproduced Courtesy of The Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History.
 2003. Same view as in 1923 photo at left. Profile of west staircase, here fully reconstructed and restored. Characteristic of Uxmal's sophisticated design, the staircase is subtly divided into three sections by small setbacks near bottom and top.
Jan. 2003

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