Eliot Circular

Reed Welcomes Two New Trustees

By Katie Pelletier ’03
Mo Copeland

Mo Copeland ’82
Courtesy of Oregon Episcopal School

Amy Madigan

Amy Madigan
Photo by henry garfukel / redux

Reed recently welcomed two new trustees, Mo Copeland ’82 and Amy Madigan, who bring experience from the fields of science, education, and the performing arts.

Mo Copeland graduated from Reed with a B.A. in physics and has been an educator for more than 30 years. “I am thrilled to have an opportunity to give back and support Reed as an alumna trustee,” she says. “I chose Reed as a school I knew would engage me in an intellectual conversation with fellow students and professors—and it did.”

Mo is the head of the Oregon Episcopal School, a private, preK-12 in Portland. Before that, she was the head of Saint George’s, a non-denominational K-12 school in Spokane, Washington, and she served as dean of faculty at Lakeside School in Seattle. Mo has extensive experience teaching physics and math at the Moses Brown School in Rhode Island and the Putney School in Vermont. She has served on numerous boards and accreditation committees such as the Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools Board, where she was president from 2007-09. Mo’s husband Chris is a bookseller, and they have two children: Daniel, who graduated from Reed in 2011, and Nick, who graduated from Lewis & Clark. Mo served as an admission volunteer at Reed for 22 years and says, “Reed holds a unique place in higher education in terms of its commitment to genuine, deep learning through engagement. I hope that by serving the school as a trustee, I can be a part of preserving that into the future.”

Amy Madigan is a film, television, and stage actress. She earned a B.A. in philosophy from Marquette University and studied piano at the Chicago Conservatory. Her early career was in music: she performed with the rock band Jelly and played keyboard, percussion, and vocals with Steve Goodman in the late ’70s. She also recorded with the Eli Radish Band and performed as a lead singer with Big Daddy. After ten years in the music business she changed course and moved to L.A. to launch a career in acting. Amy is known for her work in many films including Field of Dreams, Places in the Heart, and Twice in a Lifetime. She has appeared in numerous television dramas, series, and in stage productions in New York and Los Angeles. Amy’s acting awards include a Golden Globe, two CableACE awards, and nominations for many others including Oscar, Emmy, and Golden Glove awards. She is married to actor, director, and screenwriter Ed Harris; their daughter Lily Harris graduated from Reed in 2016.
