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DC Reedies Talk Americanah


In October, Jonathan Make ’98 hosted DC Reed alumni to discuss Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a transcontinental romance that stretches across time and cultures.

“The conversation was lengthy—more than two hours—opinionated, wide-ranging and decidedly enjoyable. All participants in the latest meeting of the D.C. Reedies Book Club seemed to enjoy Americanah, whether they had just read it for the first time, were re-reading it or—in the spirit of a Reed conference attendee—ran out of time to read it fully beforehand. Most seemed to agree that the book, although more than 500 pages and sprawling in the sense that it had scenes from three continents, had a well-defined core.”

As supplemental material, the group looked at a recent issue of Elle magazine that featured Adichie, and they watched a video of Beyoncé’s “Flawless” showcasing some of her words. Read about the full discussion (spoiler alert!) at Jonathan’s blog.
