Most organic chemists cannot tell you exactly how
they draw a Lewis structure. This is because they have practiced
doing it so much, it no longer requires conscious effort. This essay
tries to explain what subconscious thought processes are involved.
The essay is divided into three parts: drawing neutral atoms, drawing
positively charged atoms, and drawing negatively charged atoms.
Problems follow each part.
Drawing rules
A Lewis structure is a drawing that shows all
of a molecule's valence electrons and all non-zero formal
Drawing styles vary from chemist to chemist, but most
chemists draw covalent bonds as lines, and nonbonding electrons
as dots. No symbols are used for ionic bonds (electrostatic
attractions and repulsions are implied by the positions of non-zero
formal charges).
A pattern-based drawing method
I believe organic chemists draw Lewis structures
by reproducing electron patterns that they have learned through
frequent drawing practice.
They almost never bother to count electrons, except
to check their drawings. Instead, they draw lots of molecules,
and electron patterns sink into their minds without any conscious
effort to memorize them.
You can imitate (and accelerate) this process by studying
the patterns below, and then practicing making (lots of) drawings
yourself. You'll find that you quickly get the hang of it.
Electron patterns for neutral atoms
Atoms display characteristic electron patterns, depending
on their position in the Periodic Table. The following table displays
electron patterns for neutral C, N, O, and F.
Don't bother memorizing this table, but study it briefly
and see if any patterns leap out at you. If you see some patterns,
you can use them to help you draw. Here are some patterns that I
The number of lone pairs depends on
the atom type and not the number of neighbors. C holds
0 lone pairs, N holds 1, O holds 2, and F holds 3.
The bond pattern depends on the number
of neighbors. Fewer neighbors means more multiple
- These patterns apply to other elements that are
"vertically" related to C/N/O/F. For example,
the same patterns are used by C and Si, by N and P, by O
and S, and by F, Cl, Br, and I. This follows from the fact
that "vertically" related atoms have the same
number of valence electrons.
An example: formic acid, HCO2H
Pattern-based drawings can be created in three steps.
First, draw your molecule with single bonds. Second, count the number
of neighbors each atom has. Third, draw an appropriate electron
pattern for that atom.
For example, the Lewis structure of formic acid, HCO2H,
can be drawn by starting with its single bonds, counting neighbors
for C and both O, and completing their electron patterns.

C has three neighbors so it must make one
double bond. The double bond must go to a neighbor with a compatible
electron pattern and this turns out to be the O with just one neighbor.
Neutral O always hold two lone pairs, so we draw these lone pairs
around each O.
Review problems I
#1. Use standard electron patterns to add multiple
bonds and lone pairs where needed (remember: a complete Lewis structure
shows all valence electrons, including lone pairs). Drawing
suggestion: Don't do these problems in your head. Draw complete
answers on a piece of paper and then check your answers carefully
against my drawings.

#2. If you can read condensed formulas, translate
these formulas into complete Lewis structures. Two hints: 1) all
of the molecules are neutral and all of their atoms are uncharged,
2) some of these molecules contain multiple bonds; a condensed formula
normally shows these bonds, but I have left them out to maximize
the mystery.

Electron patterns for POSITIVELY charged N and
When an atom holding a lone pair (N, O, F, P, S, etc.)
gives away an electron, the remaining electron becomes available
for bonding (and an extra bond is needed to achieve a Lewis octet).
For example: neutral N (5 valence electrons) can achieve an octet
by making only 3 bonds, while N+
(4 electrons, isoelectronic with C) needs to make 4 bonds.

The most important electron patterns for positively
charged atoms are based on N+
and O+. Study these drawings
so that you understand 1) how each formal charge was arrived at,
and 2) similarities between the electron patterns for these charged
atoms and closely related neutral atoms.
An example: methylammonium cation, CH3NH3+
The following drawing shows how these patterns can
be used to draw a Lewis structure for H3CNH3+.

We start with the connectivity and then notice that
N has an unusual number of neighbors: 4. This is a dead giveaway
that N carries a +1 charge (and no lone pairs). C with 4 neighbors
is uncharged (and holds no lone pairs). As a final check, we make
sure that the overall charge matches the sum of the formal charges.
Review problems II
#3. Every molecule shown below is a CATION.
Use standard electron patterns to add multiple bonds, lone pairs,
and formal charges where needed. Drawing suggestion:
Don't do these problems in your head. Draw complete answers on a
piece of paper and then check your answers carefully against my

#4. If you can read condensed formulas, translate
these formulas into complete Lewis structures. Three hints: 1) all
of the molecules are CATIONS and their formal charges must add up
to +1, 2) some of these molecules contain multiple bonds; a condensed
formula normally shows these bonds, but I have left them out to
maximize the mystery, 3) multiple answers may be possible - try
to find all of the answers that preserve Lewis octets around
every atom.

Electron patterns for NEGATIVELY charged C, N,
and O
Adding an electron to an atom increases the number
of lone pairs, and decreases the number of bonds needed to form
a Lewis octet. Study these drawings so that you understand 1) how
each formal charge was arrived at, and 2) similarities between the
electron patterns for these charged atoms and closely related neutral
Review problems III
#5. Every molecule shown below is an ANION.
Use standard electron patterns to add multiple bonds, lone pairs,
and formal charges where needed. Drawing suggestion:
Don't do these problems in your head. Draw complete answers on a
piece of paper and then check your answers carefully against my

#6. If you can read condensed formulas, translate
these formulas into complete Lewis structures. Three hints: 1) all
of the molecules are ANIONS and their formal charges must add up
to -1, 2) some of these molecules contain multiple bonds; a condensed
formula normally shows these bonds, but I have left them out to
maximize the mystery, 3) multiple answers may be possible - try
to find all of the answers that preserve Lewis octets around
every atom.
