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Structures near Great Platform

Southeast corner of plaza; at left is the north front of a vaulted structure with 2 columns; platform of Governor's Palace behind.
Jan. 2002
Column at right of doorway in photo at left; width and color of cement fill indicate reconstruction; looking through outer room to new wooden lintels and inner-back room.
Jan. 2001
Modern copy of painted drawing on capstone in same outer room.
Jan. 2002
Same vaulted structure with 2 front columns, west end; showing end wall of collapsed room and concrete rubble core; also showing small building beyond.
Jan. 2001
West end of same vaulted structure with 2 front columns; showing end walls of collapsed rooms and concrete rubble core; also showing low platform.
Jan. 2001
Same vaulted structure with 2 front columns, west end; showing end wall of collapsed room.
Jan. 2001
Same vaulted structure with 2 front columns; west end and south back, restored.
Jan. 2001
Same vaulted structure with 2 front columns; south back and east end, restored.
Nov. 1999
Foundation remains in foreground; beyond is the north facade of the vaulted structure with 2 front columns.
Jan. 2001
Vaulted structure running north-south, restored, west facade and north end.
Jan. 2001
Same vaulted structure as photos at left, restored; west facade.
Jan. 2001
Same vaulted structure as photos at left, restored.
Jan. 2001

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