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Northeast of Colonnaded Structure

Remains of building foundations at west side of terrace, in front of Nunnery Quadrangle staircase.
Jan. 2001
Remains of building foundations at west side of terrace, in front of Nunnery Quadrangle staircase.
Jan. 2001
North end of foundation remains, behind colonnaded structure in northeast corner of plaza; entire area restored 1996-1997.
Nov. 1999
Remains of vaulted structure, partly restored; back wall of Quadrangle of the Birds at left; in extreme foreground the platform on which South Building of Nunnery stands.
Jan. 2002
Foundation remains in northeast corner of plaza, Pyramid of the Magician at right.
Jan. 2001
Foundation remains in northwest corner of plaza.
Jan. 2001
Chultune mouth beside foundation remains in northeast area of plaza, with do not touch sign.
Jan. 2001
Mouth of chultune in photo at left, showing stone mouth.
Jan. 2001
Stones, some carved, from cleared and excavated collapse, here sorted and stacked behind colonnaded structure.
Jan. 2001

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