Culcha Candela- I like it

This is a German band that sings in various codes, this song is an example of code switching between Spanish, German and English. [Published on 03-19-2015]
The Game - Spanglish

This is a song the is by the rapper, The Game, and the song is titled "Spanglish". Growing up in Compton, California, The Game was subjected to many interactions with gang members and other individuals; this includes many hispanics. I found it interesting that this song includes a good amount of mock spanish, which i relevant to our final paper. In the song, Game switch back and forth between spanish to english and describes his life growing up in Compton along with the love for his city. [Published on 07-25-2017]
Sylbo, The Last Speakers of the Lost Whistling Language

a video about the language Sylbo on the island of La Gomera, of the Spanish Canary Islands off the coast of north-west Africa. The Spanish government is attempting to preserve the whistling language which imitates the phonetic features of Spanish.
Don Omar - Danza Kuduro ft. Lucenzo

The song Danza Kuduro is an example of the effect globalization has had on language. It is sung in both Portuguese and Spanish, with the music video also utilizing English, by Don Omar, a Latin American pop star, and Lucenzo, a French-Portuguese artist. Borrowing from African culture, the kuduro itself is a type of dance that originated in Africa becoming popular in Angola, a Portuguese colony. The song was number one on the charts in Argentina, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, showcasing how the song transcended language barriers and how globalization has impacted language use.
Stand By Me - Prince Royce

Released in 2010, this version of 'Stand By Me' sung by Prince Royce utilizes code-switching between Spanish and English.
Portuguese Words Spanish Speakers Can't Pronounce

This video is a good example of how difficult boundaries can be to draw around "language" or "dialect," especially when you're using mutual intelligibility. It shows the similarity and differences between Portuguese and Spanish as Spanish speakers try to pronounce written Portuguese words, evidenced by the commentary of the Spanish speakers, especially "I understand what you're saying, I don't know how you say it." This distinction is especially hard to draw when you take into account the ideology held between and of cultures, and the political investment that may exist in making nations distinct, and this ideology of difference is also demonstrated in the views expressed by the speakers.
Hey Ma

Pitbull, J Balvin, and Camila Cabello made a bilingual version of the song Hey Ma. This song is an example of code-switching with them switching between Spanish and English throughout the song. They do this to bring in a larger audience and be more inclusive and show off their heritage.
As a Latina, I have a problem with Hispanic Heritage Month
Juliana Schwartz is tired of hearing famous people, the republican party, Obama and more, share their "appreciation" for Hispanic Heritage Month when these same people have caused mass deportation for Hispanics and have created ugly ideologies towards Hispanics. She wants the hispandering to end because she believes that Hispanics are a culture, not some marketing scheme to receive more votes or gain more profit. She wants the government to stop the hispandering and to stop using hispanics, and to instead help Hispanics gain justice and inclusion. [Published on 07-01-2014]
Coca Cola - Mock Spanish

This Coca Cola - Hispanic Heritage commercial clip shows the Coca Cola company using Hispandering by using Hispanic sterotype such as a run down town, and tattoos that are on the coke can that they can apply to their skin, especially the one of "Rodriguez" which he applied the tattoo to his neck.
Ellen Learns Spanish

This video displays Ellen DeGeneres on her show called "Ellen" explaining how she has tried to learn Spanish from multiple outlets like Rosetta Stone, books, classes, etc. Although she learned a little bit, she did not get the whole experience and realized that the Spanish language is a community of people that share a set of norms and regularities for interaction by language. Therefore, she asks a famous actor on "Telemundo" to teach her Spanish, because he is a part of the Spanish "community".
When You're Latino & You Suck At Spanish

This video depicts a young Latina woman who struggles to fit into a bilingual speech community. Her peers code switch between English and Spanish, expect her to do the same, and tease her when she cannot.
Camila Cabello - Havana (Spanglish Solo Version)

Camila's Havana song is one of many examples of popular songs that are using Spanglish. Spanglish, an example of how code-switching, is becoming popular in the music industry. It is interesting to see how artists are proud and secure to show that they are bilingual. I feel, in a way, these artists are using code-switching to grab audience's attention and to show their roots (Hispanic/Asian/ etc.).
Mock Spanish T-Shirt
A posting from Facebook with a shirt that uses incorrect lyrics Justin Bieber used for the song “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi when he had issues remembering the Spanish words during a performance.
Google translate Despacito

Language ideology; it was thought Spanish can be a sexy/scandalous language but do non Spanish speakers really know what's being said. The lyrics does sound sexy and perfect with the melody. Code-switching; the translation is not what the music (song) portrays. The lyrics translation is not sexy, or 'catchy' it's not even what us non Spanish speakers feel the music should be. The fella said Despacito meant slowly, but the song indicates it means quickly.
1960 - Jackie Kennedy Spanish Ad

This is a video of Jackie Kennedy doing a campaign ad in 1960 in Spanish. The goal of this video was to connect with the Hispanic voters. I chose this particular video because it shows how Jackie Kennedy used different speech communities to reach a certain group of people. Indexicality plays a role as well because she is indexing the Spanish speaking community.
The Game-Spanglish
This is a song the is by the rapper, The Game, and the song is titled "Spanglish". Growing up in Compton, California, The Game was subjected to many interactions with gang members and other individuals; this includes many hispanics. I found it interesting that this song includes a good amount of mock spanish, which i relevant to our final paper. In the song, Game switch back and forth between spanish to english and describes his life growing up in Compton along with the love for his city. [Published on 07-25-2017]
Mexican Slang with Salma Hayek

This video is of Mexican, multilingual actress Salma Hayek describing and translating Spanish slang terms into English. She attempts to translate words and phrases literally, but then provides more nuanced and accurate translations. She employs some code-switching in her commentary, and the video helps illustrate elements of Spanish-speaking Mexican identities and speech communities.
Racism In America (Satire)

As we have thoroughly discussed Mock Spanish, along with language, race, ethnicity, the following YouTube video is a humorous play on racism in America. The Hispanic housemaid is faced with her racist boss as she's assumed to be a thief, an idiot, and not know English, simply because she is not a white American. It also highlights the tendencies to classify someone as not as intelligent simply because they do not fit the stereotype for where we are from. Again, this is a humorous spin on real life happenings that occur, many of which are oblivious to us.
"Spanish Radio" - Gabriel Iglesias

Comedian Gabriel Iglesias "Spanish Radio" skit relates to language ideologies regarding the Spanish language. Iglesias, who speaks Spanish and English, creates a humorous effect on how people from the "motherland" of Mexico speak rather fast, even for himself. Iglesias has the ability to speak two different languages (bilingualism) and codeswitches between the two languages in a lot of his skits. The skit can relate to our standard language ideology in that the Spanish speaking language is fast and hard to understand and he presents that concept through mock Spanish.
Paraguay: Two Co-Official Languages – Guarani’ and Spanish
Paraguay is the only country in the American continents where 90% of the population speaks an indigenous language, Guarani', although only 5% of the population is indigenous. Spanish was the only official language for many years but now, both languages are co-official languages. The addition of Guarani’ as a co-official language resulted from the majority of Paraguayans, including the political class, feeling Guarani’ reflects who they are, their culture, even though people frequently switch between the two languages. [Published on 03-12-2012]
Mock Spanish in 'The Mexican' Trailer

This trailer for the 2001 movie “The Mexican” starring Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts, demonstrates Brad Pitt’s character utilizing mock Spanish saying words like “el trucko” and “towno” in an interaction with Hispanic men. He also attempts Spanglish in another interaction saying a phone call is “muy muy important.”
Tim Kaine Speech in Spanish

Tim Kaine made a campaign speech done entirely in Spanish. The speech was done in Phoenix, AZ and was given to invited Latino groups. This is the first time a vice presidential candidate has given a speech entirely in Spanish.
Similarities Between Spanish And Arabic

This video shows two young women comparing some of the most commonly used words in Arabic and Spanish. Approximately 9% of the Spanish language is thought to have derived from Arabic due to the Islamic invasion of Spain by the Moors in 711. Through this invasion, we have the two languages mixing and creating what is modern day Spanish. You can hear the similarities between the two languages, and visually see how the Romanized spelling of Arabic looks like Spanish. I would also consider this code switching, because the words are first introduced in English, and then a count of 1, 2, 3 is given for each girl to say the word at the same time. It also shows the concept of mutual intelligibility with some words, and a modern-day proof of how the Spanish language was assimilated into what it is now from Arabic, because the Spaniards acquired words and syntax of their captor's language. You see how each girl and speakers of either language can understand what the other is saying without any type of special prior knowledge.
Bailando-Enrique Iglesias Lyrics
These lyrics contain the lyrics from the song Bailando by Enrique Iglesias where he uses Spanish and English throughout the entire song.
Tim Kaine VP speech
TIm Kaine did a VP speech in Miami, in July of 2016. As he gets in to his introduction, he begins speaking in Spanish for a split second, as he greets the diverse crowd. He switches back to english, and switches back through out the speech. Tim Kaine even calls his running mate a "companero de alma" or "soul mates" in the presidential tussle
Youth soccer coach booted for speaking Spanish to players
This is an article about a youth soccer coach being ejected for speaking Spanish to his players. The referees ejected him for simply speaking Spanish during a game. This is an obvious attempt to discriminate against this coach and his team. The coach code-switched between Spanish and English and this was deemed unacceptable because they "want everybody to understand". Yet, they say they have no rule against speaking Spanish.
[Published on 12-20-2012]
Karen from Will and Grace speaks in Mock Spanish

In this clip from the sitcom Will and Grace, Karen speaks to her Hispanic maid/nanny in pseudo- Spanish on the phone. She uses terms like “store-o” in order to seem like she is speaking with Spanish endings. Karen then goes on to ask her friend will how to pronounce something in Spanish, and then continues to just say the English words. She even goes so far as to use Spanish words for “thank you” and “goodbye” but in the wrong context. She uses Spanish not as an actual way to communicate with a native Spanish speaker, but rather to as a way to completely disregard the syntax and morphology of another language.
Latinos Guess Urban Dictionary Terms

This video is interesting because it is asking Latinos specifically what they think certain slang words mean that are often used today. The words are slang words that most young adults and teenagers know but a few of the words were aimed at the Latino community. An interesting aspect of the video was that they included slang words related to the presidential race of 2016 and you can see how the Latinos react to certain words or what they assume one might mean.
The Differences Between Latin American Spanish and Spanish in Spain
This article, by Alex Hammond, gives a historical background on how Spanish came to be different all throughout South America, Central America, and Spain through segregated colonialism and practices of differing phrases and words. [Published on 02-06-2012]
The Spanish-Language Anthem
Brief history of Spanish speakers with the national anthem followed by a more current thought of bilingualism. Notes how a Neil Diamond song is more appropriate than the Anthem. [Published on 05-18-2006]
Guatemala: Speaking in K'iche language to describe how to make food

Juliana is speaking to the camera in K'iche. She is describing how to make pepian and other food in Guatemala. She is mixing her Spanish with her dialect, which according to the poster of the video she is speaking two different dialects: K'iche and Uspanteco.
Cespedes receives Home Run Derby trophy

Pedro Gomez, an American born reporter translates for Spanish speaking MLB players. This specific example is at the 2014 Home Run Derby where Gomez translates for Yoenis Cespedes.
Maya man Speaking Yucatec Spanish

A man in San Francisco speaks Maya. According to the video, he is speaking slowly so we are able to understand him. 10% of what he is speaking is Spanish and he is describing what you will see when you visit his town of Oxkutzcab.
Ted Cruz para Presidente

This video is of a campaign advertisement for Ted Cruz. who was running for president as a Republican. As someone who has been quoted as saying that Spanish speakers live in a "language ghetto", this can be seen as an example of Hispandering. Since the ad is entirely in Spanish, Cruz was trying to gain acceptance and furthermore the vote from those in the Hispanic, Spanish-speaking communities.
Bilingual children switching between English and Spanish

This video includes children in a one on one setting switching between spanish and english, during various exercise. It features bilingual children in an office setting. The focus is on literacy and acquisition of bilingual children.
Variety of Spanish Accents

Joanna Rants uses analogies to compare different Spanish accents.
Don't Stop the Party - Pitbull lyrics
These lyrics contain the lyrics from the song Don't Stop the Party by artist Pitbull, where he uses Spanish and English throughout the song.
Pardon my Spanglish

A comedian joins Spanish CNN to talk about his new book about Spanglish. The comedian and the anchor switch between English and Spanish throughout the video, talking in Spanglish. While there's a good deal more Spanish being spoken in the video, there's also English, just not as much as Spanish. The intro of the video is a great example of Spanglish, as is the whole interview for the most part.
"I'm sorry, Pope Francis, this America and we speak English!"
Discussion of Pope Franics's use of language prior to his visit to the United States. The Pope chose to use Spanish for the majority of his visit, which some say was his taking on a political stance on the US policy on immigration and an 'English only' country. [Published on 09-18-2015]
Does Not Speaking Spanish Make You Less Latino? Pero Like Ep.4

This article discusses speech communities and how the language you speak does or does not define your culture. In this example, the video is discussing if not speaking Spanish makes you less Latino.
Dating a Latina

Dating a Latina: Perception vs Reality.
This video is funny, some may be able to relate to it. This video exhibits Spanish, American English, and Code Switching.
"English Only" chants at Nevada Democratic caucuses
At the 2016 Nevada Democratic caucus, civil rights activist Dolores Huerta was heckled and booed off stage by a group of alleged Bernie Sanders supporters, who chanted "english only" when she attempted to translate the ballot for the Spanish-speaking caucus participants.
Link to tweet from Ms. Huerta: [Published on 02-20-2016]
Latinx: The ungendering of the Spanish language
A NPR story on the current practice of using a gender-neutral term for Spanish nouns like Latino/a, amigo/am, etc. Some commons approaches are Latin@ and Latinx. [Published on 01-29-2016]
"Hispandering" through food.
I am starting my proposal for my research paper and we are tasked with investigating "Hispandering" from a linguistic anthropological perspective. This add personifies "Hispandering" it uses performance to elicit feelings about stereotypes of ethnicity. [Published on 09-30-2014]
Arizona news anchor is drawn into debate on her accent and use of Spanish
A Spanish/English bilingual newscaster on an Arizona TV station is criticized for her pronunciation and use of Spanish. She wonderfully says, "change can be hard, but it's normal." [Published on 09-03-2015]
Why this bilingual education ban should have been repealed long ago
Sociolinguist Phillip M. Carter makes the case for repealing Proposition 227 in California, which essentially banned bilingual education in the state in 1998.
Sociolinguist debunks Miami English misconceptions
An article including a video with Phillip Carter on his research on Miami English
Miami Accents: How 'Miamah' Turned Into A Different Sort Of Twang
A 2013 segment on radio station WLRN about Miami English, including an interview with Phillip Carter, a clip of "Shit Miami girls say," and a discussion of features of Miami English that are the result of contact with Spanish.
Dark-skinned and plus-sized: the real Rachel Jeantel story
Report on how the defence lawyer in trial of Trayvon Martin's killer tried to make Martin's girlfriend's testimony sound less convincing by discrediting her and her non-standard English.