What is a Reedie?

By Randall S. Barton

They're easy to identify but hard to define. We tracked down 12 members of the class of ’16 and asked them about their theses, their professors, and their time at Reed.

Ticket to Ride

By Randall S. Barton

Gift helps needy students leap career hurdles

Gene Genie

By Shelly Skolfield ’14

New technology gives us the power to manipulate the human genome. Should we use it?

Eliot Circular

Reunions ’16

A Veritable Carnival of Reconnecting.

Adventures in the First Person

Strange Encounter in Xi’an

By Haley Jacobson ’13

The Lost Boys of Portlandia
The stars of Nili Yosha’s 24-minute documentary, The Lost Boys of Portlandia, are introduced as bright spots in a darkened room: faces illuminated by a movie screen’s glow. Joey, Kitty, Jake, Kayla, Alexuis, Malakai, Titus, and Sam are homeless teens served by Outside In, a Portland nonprofit providing social and health services to young people living on the streets.