The New (Olde) Reed Almanac
Edited by Chris Lydgate ’90
An irreverent compendium of the ideas, episodes, people, and traditions that have shaped Reed in the last 100 years.

Guerrilla Archivist
By Matt Smith ’90
Ephemeral librarian Megan Shaw Prelinger ’90 breaks every rule in the book.

Such Sweet Thunder
By Bill Donahue
Reed music professor David Schiff searches for the real Duke Ellington.

Apocrypha: Traditions, Myths, & Legends
Origin of the Scrounge
By Raymond Rendleman ’06
Tracking down the first fork-wavers.
News Releases
08/29/17 Racism, Sexism, and Gaming—Cruel Optimism: The Problem with Meritocratic Media
06/15/17 Prof. Steinberger Wins Goldschmidt Fellowship
09/09/16 Generous gift from Tim and Mary Boyle transforms Reed's sports center

The Debate over Hum 110
By Kevin Myers : 09/14/17
Reed Faculty Adopts Anti-Racism Statement
By Chris Lydgate ’90 : 09/13/17
Reed Launches Neuroscience Major
By Chris Lydgate ’90 : 09/11/17
Reed College Supports DACA
By John R. Kroger : 09/04/17
VIDEO: The Belly of the Beest
A band of ingenious Reedies has pulled off a engineering triumph known as the Beest, a wheelless vehicle with twelve articulated legs, which scuttles across the floor of the SU like a gargantuan headless spider. See more at Sallyportal.
steve-jobs-1976 I knew Steve Jobs when he was on the second floor of Quincy. (Fall...
Utnapishtim - 2 weeks ago
Prof. Mason Drukman [political science 1964–70] This is gold, pure gold. God bless, Prof. Drukman.
puredog - 1 month ago
virginia-davis-1965 Such a good friend & compatriot in the day of Satyricon...
czarchasm - 4 months ago
John Peara Baba 1990 John died of a broken heart from losing his mom and then his...
kodachrome - 7 months ago
Carol Sawyer 1962 Who wrote this obit? I'm writing something about Carol Sawyer...
MsLaurie Pepper - 8 months ago
William W. Wissman MAT 1969 ...and THREE sisters. Sabra, the oldest, Mary, the middle, and...
riclf - 10 months ago