Open to All Researchers, Students, Faculty, Staff and Persons Generally Interested in Animal Behavior
Animal Behavior and Neurobiology Seminars in the Portland Area 2012/13
(for general links to seminar schedules see Departments and Faculty page)
(please contact Suzy to have your seminars posted)
Portland State University
Reed College
Lewis & Clark College
University of Portland
Oregon Health Science University
Washington State University Vancouver
Oregon State University
Oregon Zoo
Oct 5 4:10 Reed College room B19
David W. Pfennig, Dept of Biology, University of North Carolina
"Polyphenism and the origins of diversity"
Oct 8 4:00 Lewis and Clark Biology
Dr. Chris Olson, Visiting Assistant Professor
"The effects of nutrition and addiction in songbird brain function".
SPIDER FEST -- OCT ??th 5:30 - 8:00
once again Gretta Binford comes through with holloween festivities and entertainment for all. Someone told me that this event is aimed at kids.... but I've been three times and thought it was aimed at me.
Venom Milking, eight leg freaks, freakishly good food etc.
Room 101 in the Basement of BoDine building on the Lewis and Clark Campus.
Nov 2 4:10 PM Reed College room B19
Gail L. Patricelli, Dept of Evolution & Ecology, University of California Davis
TBA (Sage Grouse mating systems, communication and mate choice)
Brown's Towne Lounge: 189 Liberty Street Northeast, Salem, OR
Larry Sherman, OHSU
Lust, Chocolate and Prairie Voles: The Neuroscience of Pleasure and Love
Jan 17 Portland State University 12:00 room SRTC Rm 247
Andrew Smith, School of Life Sciences,
Arizona State University
A tale of two pikas: behavior, ecology, and conservation of Asian Plateau and American pikas
Feb 8
Moss, University of Maryland
TBA (bat auditory neuroethology)
Mar 1
Chris Gregg, Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Utah
TBA (genomic imprinting and feeding behavior)
Mar 8
Ryan, Weill Cornell Medical Center
TBA (molecular basis of synaptic transmission)
(website maintained by Suzy Renn)