No Béarla

This miniseries follows an Irish filmmaker who tries to go about daily life in Ireland without speaking English. Despite Irish being one of the official languages of the Republic of Ireland, a minority of people in Ireland are competent in it. I found it interesting that most people he interacted with seemed very confused as to why he would not just converse in English, especially when he was interacting with someone who didn't speak Irish. People in Ireland clearly do not expect there to be people who speak Irish who don't also speak English. I also find it interesting how Irish people refer to the language's situation. They talk about being competent in Irish as "having Irish", as in "I don't have any Irish".
Warning: Discusses George Floyd's death and trial
The defense in trial of police officer Derek Chauvin are misinterpreting utterances of George Floyd before his death in an attempt to justify this murder. This blog post explains these misconceptions and the dangers of misunderstanding AAE (African-American English) as a society with many language variations. [Published on 04-11-2021]
Futurama Mock Spanish Audition

Hyper-anglicized mock Spanish is used for comedic effect in the show Futurama.
Philadelphia Court Stenographers Misunderstand Black English
A soon to be published study in the journal Language has found that Philadelphia court stenographers often transcribe Black English recordings incorrectly. When presented with Black English grammar and recordings, 27 stenographers were found to make errors in two out of five sentences and could only understand one out of three sentences. The repercussions can be detrimental, as incorrect or deficient transcriptions can lead to unwarranted incriminations. [Published on 01-31-2019]
Trump: We speak English here, not Spanish

In this video, Donald Trump briefly discusses his stance on speaking English, speaking Spanish, and assimilation in the United States. This video is an example of the monoglot ideology.
The monolingual mindset: Felicity Meakins at TEDxSouthBankWomen

This is a Tedx talk about how linguistics can better inform teaching practices, using the relationship between multi-lingual indigenous children and monolingual English teachers in Australia as an example. While the solutions proposed are quite simple (such as providing teachers with resources about the at-home languages of these children), it just shows how under-informed these teachers can be about where these children are coming from. The talk also briefly addresses the issue of the monolingual argument "These people need to learn English."
Foreign Word Pronounciation

College Humor showing how trying to fit in with the culture is not always a positive thing.
Spanish Words "White" People Can't Say

A comedic take on white people trying to pronounce Spanish words and their struggle in the performance of a basic Spanish lexicon—even in words that share a striking spelling resemblance to its English cognate. Some noteworthy examples appear when the participants are asked to pronounce “refrigerador” and “negar,” with some subjects showing visible apprehension to merely attempt the latter.
Ellen Learns Spanish

This video displays Ellen DeGeneres on her show called "Ellen" explaining how she has tried to learn Spanish from multiple outlets like Rosetta Stone, books, classes, etc. Although she learned a little bit, she did not get the whole experience and realized that the Spanish language is a community of people that share a set of norms and regularities for interaction by language. Therefore, she asks a famous actor on "Telemundo" to teach her Spanish, because he is a part of the Spanish "community".
When You're Latino & You Suck At Spanish

This video depicts a young Latina woman who struggles to fit into a bilingual speech community. Her peers code switch between English and Spanish, expect her to do the same, and tease her when she cannot.
Why Don't We All Speak the Same Language?
A part of Freakonomics' radio series "Earth 2.0" in which they discuss why humans have language and the costs and benefits of people speaking different languages. They also discuss what we should change if we were to "create" Earth again. [Published on 09-13-2017]
English Motherf*****

An interrogation scene from the HBO series The Wire. Through their use of mock language two detectives index a language ideology that places the immigrant's language as substandard to English. This language ideology restricts the agency of the immigrant by reinforcing language inequality through the positioning of English as the only tool that can serve the communicative function in this discourse.
Press One for English

This music video features a clearly Anglo couple singing in thick Southern U.S. accents about the need to speak English in the United States. It clearly showcases many examples of languages ideologies and subtle racism. The video indexes a strong relationship between an American identity and English ability by using many flags, referencing the U.S. military, and blatantly saying "English is the language of the land." They also support the dominance of English, associating it with the opportunities of America, even ironically saying that "We share this land of liberties, so please speak English". Language is closely tied to one's identity, and it is a great abuse to force language upon another person. It's also very difficult to learn another language, especially to full proficiency, once one has passed puberty. Despite these facts, the lyric "You chose to come, now choose to speak English", insists that to be accepted as an American, you must alter a fundamental aspect of your being. The song goes on to associate different languages with "others", saying " I don't live in China, Mexico, no foreign place," and frequently implying that to speak another language is to be lesser, especially in the U.S. These attitudes surrounding English are what create the English hegemony in the U.S., but just because it is the norm doesn't mean it is positive. Many nations are multilingual and there are massive benefits, but this song maintains that it is absurd to have "subtitles in 5 languages" and that as an American, "why should I have to press one for English?". English is massively dominant in the U.S., despite the present of many other varieties over time. The dominance of English is closely tied to the systematic oppression of various ethnic groups in the U.S. over time.
'English Only' Sign Triples Diner's Business

This video reports about an owner of a diner in North Carolina that gained major support when he posted an 'English Only' sign at his door. In this interview the owner claims it started because of it was annoying to him and his staff to have to wait on people that did not speak English. He said it became very frustrating for both parties and eventually the Spanish speaking customers were hostile towards him. When the sign was first put out the diner tripled its business. People from the local community supported his stance and pledged their support for him in there continual attendance. He even said people requested to have their own signs so he made copies and has given out nearly 2,000 signs. What was shocking to me was the national support this man was getting. Celebrity new anchors and various organizations contacted him in support of his stance. One political organization even offered free law support if he were to come into any conflict regarding the issue. I figured something like this would have support, but not nearly to the magnitude it did. What shocked me even more was the lack of push-back he was receiving. He claimed that there was little to none. That being so, it can either show the dominant ideology in America regarding the English Only movement, or the difficulty to organize anti-Engliah Only groups.
17 Reasons Americans Should Be Embarrassed They Only Speak English
This article gives insight onto why only being able to speak English, as is common to a majority of American's, is not a good thing. This article expresses how, as American's we should strive to learn other languages instead of expecting others to know ours. [Published on 03-19-2014]
Multilingualism on cognitive development
This article talks about how children who are bilingual gain an advantage at problem solving versus a child who is monolingual. [Published on 02-11-2016]
Arizona news anchor is drawn into debate on her accent and use of Spanish
A Spanish/English bilingual newscaster on an Arizona TV station is criticized for her pronunciation and use of Spanish. She wonderfully says, "change can be hard, but it's normal." [Published on 09-03-2015]
BBC News: Economic success drives language extinction
Research shows that in countries with more successful economies, minority languages are at greater risk of extinction (due to one language dominating political, educational, and economic spheres). [Published on 09-02-2014]
NPR Article on Russia and Nearby Countries/Languages
"Ethnic Russians" in Ukraine and Estonia are defined/described by their language ], especially in relation/contrast to the language spoken by the relevant nation. [Published on 09-04-2014]
When Ordering Speak English

States with English-Only Legislation

James Crawford's map from 2003 showing those states that have adopted English-Only legislation.
U.S. English
The official website of U.S. English, the oldest citizen's action group dedicated to making English the official language of the United States.
XKCD: National Language
An XKCD comic spoofing contemporary notions of a national language in the United States.
Eddie Izzard on Being Bilingual

Eddie Izzard stand-up about British English vs. American English and the tendency of monolingualism in native English speakers.