Collapsed vault at end of
north section, showing cleavage in concrete rubble core.
Jan. 2002 |
Close-up of area in photo at left; corner of frieze.
Jan. 2002 |
South end showing collapsed
room at end.
Jan. 2002 |
The middle of five surviving
doors, narrower at top.
Jan. 2002 |
Long, substantial stone lintel
of doorway in photo at left.
Jan. 2002 |
Entry of doorway in photos
at left.
Jan. 2002 |
Rear of East Building, showing imprint of collapsed frieze and facing stones.
20th century photograph; scanned from 35mm slide taken of original photo. Reproduced Courtesy of The Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History. |
Collapsed room at south end,
showing concrete rubble core.
Jan. 2002 |
Rear facade with well preserved
frieze and facing stones; colonnettes are continuous
front and back.
Jan. 2002 |