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East Building
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Collapsed vault at end of north section, showing cleavage in concrete rubble core.
Jan. 2002
Close-up of area in photo at left; corner of frieze.
Jan. 2002
South end showing collapsed room at end.
Jan. 2002
The middle of five surviving doors, narrower at top.
Jan. 2002
Long, substantial stone lintel of doorway in photo at left.
Jan. 2002
Entry of doorway in photos at left.
Jan. 2002
Rear of East Building, showing imprint of collapsed frieze and facing stones.
20th century photograph; scanned from 35mm slide taken of original photo. Reproduced Courtesy of The Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History.
Collapsed room at south end, showing concrete rubble core.
Jan. 2002
Rear facade with well preserved frieze and facing stones; colonnettes are continuous front and back.
Jan. 2002
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