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1838 Waldeck

All the images of Uxmal (there are no images of Kabah, Sayil, or Labná) in the first edition of Frédéric de Waldeck, Voyage  pittoresque et archéologique dan la province d’Yucatan (Amérique Centrale), pendant les années 1834 et 1836 (Paris: Bellizard Dufour et Co; Londres, J. et W. Boone, Bossages Barthes et Lowell, 1838). Reproduced from 35mm slides I have taken from a copy in the University of Cincinnati Library, with appreciation. On this web site, the quoted captions are literal translations of the French captions.

Click images below to enlarge. Images will open in new windows.
You may open two or more images for comparisons.
Plates 14 and 15: "Elevation of Temple of the Sun", "Elevation of Temple of Asterismes" (Elevation of Courtyard Facade of East and South Buildings).
Plate 16: "Study of a Part of  the Temple of the Sun" (elevation of 2nd doorway from left and serpent stack above; main facade of East Building).
Detail of print at left.
The same detail from the more elegant version with color plates. This image slightly curved because the book was purposedly not pressed flat for this photograph. Courtesy Library, Special Collections, American Museum of Natural History (RF-96-4).
Plate 17: "Study of a Part of the Temple of the Astérismes".
Detail of print at left.
Detail of print at top.

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