Theatre Department

Faculty Production Archive

Faculty Productions 1978-present

Semester Title Author Director
Spring 2025 The Moors Jen Silverman Justine Nakase
Fall 2024 Everybody Branden Jacobs-Jenkins Duffly
Spring 2024 The Language Archive Julia Cho Wu
Fall 2023 Machinal Sophie Treadwell Tamimi
Spring 2023 The Last Croissant  Veronica Tjioe Wu
Fall 2022 Mr Burns, A Post-Electric Play Anne Washburn Duffly
Spring 2022 Between Today and Yesterday Devised by the company Cristi Miles
Fall 2021    The People's Republic of Valerie Kristen Kosmas Ksander
Fall 2021   
The Inheritor, or the Privileged Students (staged reading)
Théâtre de l'Aquarium. Translated by Kate Bredeson and Thalia Wolff ('22)

 Thalia Wolff '22

Spring 2021 Open House Devised by the Junior Class

Junior Class
(Duffly Advising)

Fall 2020 Rhinoceros Ionesco Bredeson
Spring 2020 The War of the Worlds  Koch Junior Class (Ksander advising)
Fall 2019  Medea Euripides Pryor
Spring 2019 Getting Intimate: Plot Points in Our Sexual Development and New Plays By Reed Playwrights Hall/Reed Playwrights Junior Class (Tennant directing)
Fall 2018 Fefu and Her Friends Fornes Bredeson
Spring 2018 Love and Information Churchill Junior Class (Bredeson advising)
Fall 2017 Citizen: an american lyric Rankine/Sachs Duffly
Spring 2017 These Violent Delights  Adapted from Shakespeare Duffly
Fall 2016 Paris Commune Cosson/Friedman Leffler
Spring 2016 In/divisible devised by the company Leffler
Trees in Their Youth (staged reading) Finocchiaro Bredeson
Fall 2015 Exile Ahmadi Duffly
Spring 2015 Two by Ionesco Ionesco Bredeson
Fall 2014 Marisol Rivera Duffly
Spring 2014 Julius Caesar Shakespeare Worley
Fall 2013 Our Town Wilder Bredeson
Spring 2013 Eurydice Ruhl Duffly
Fall 2012 Our Country's Good
Wertenbaker Worley
Spring 2012 One Flea Spare Wallace Bredeson
Fall 2011 Iphigenia and Other Daughters
McLaughlin Worley
Antarktikos (staged reading)
Stolowitz Bredeson
Spring 2011 The Glass Menagerie Williams Bredeson
Fall 2010 James Joyce's 'The Dead' Davey and Nelson Pufall
Spring 2010 Antigone Anouilh Bredeson
Fall 2009 Measure for Measure Shakespeare Worley
Spring 2009 The Double Inconstancy Marivaux Icenogle
Fall 2008 A Bright Room Called Day
Kushner Worley
4 X Tenn Williams Crosser
Spring 2008 The Marriage of Bette and Boo Durang Clinton
Fall 2007 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Stoppard Worley
Spring 2007 I Have Loved Strangers Washburn Worley
Fall 2006 In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel Williams Clinton
Spring 2006 The Red Burning Light Fornes Clinton
Fall 2005 Tartuffe Molière Worley
Spring 2005 Arcadia Stoppard Worley
Fall 2004 Macbeth Shakespeare Evans
Spring 2004 Ubu Roi Jarry Evans
Fall 2003 Boy Gets Girl Gilman Clinton
Spring 2003 The Bad Seed Anderson (adapt.) Clinton
Fall 2002 Hands Around Schnitzler Worley
Spring 2002 Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare Worley
Fall 2001 Rich and Famous Guare Clinton
Spring 2001 The Relapse Vanbrugh (Adapted by Craig Clinton) Clinton
Fall 2000 The Imaginary Invalid Molière Worley
Spring 2000 Happy End Brecht/Weill Worley
Fall 1999 American Notes Jenkin Clinton
Spring 1999 Amerika from Kafka Simek
Fall 1998 Velcro! Ives Worley
Spring 1998 Spring Awakening Wedekind Simek
Fall 1997 After-Pieces (Crononhotonthologus and Polly Honeycomb) Carey and Boswell Clinton
Spring 1997 The Bald Soprano Ionesco Clinton
Fall 1996 The Beggars' Opera Gay Worley
Spring 1996 The Cherry Orchard Chekhov Worley
Fall 1995 Durang Durang Durang Clinton
Spring 1995 La Bête Hirson Clinton
Fall 1994 As You Like It Shakespeare Worley
Spring 1994 On the Verge Overmyer Worley
Fall 1993 The Illusion Corneille Clinton
Spring 1993 The Empire Builders Vian Clinton
Fall 1992 Timber Federal Theatre Project (Seattle) Worley
Spring 1992 Crimes of the Heart Henley Worley
Fall 1991 Tales of the Lost Formicans Congdon Weeks
Spring 1991 Le Bourgeois Avant- Garde Ludlam Clinton
Fall 1990 Twelfth Night Shakespeare Worley
Spring 1990 End of the World with Symposium to Follow Kopit Worley
Fall 1989 The Tragedy of Tragedies Fielding Clinton
Spring 1989 The Glass Menagerie Williams Clinton
Fall 1988 The House of Blue Leaves Guare Worley
Spring 1988 I, Too, Speak of the Rose Emilio Carballido Worley
Fall 1987 The Marriage of Bette and Boo Durang Clinton
Spring 1987 The Collection and Play Pinter and Beckett Worley
Fall 1986 Fashion Mowatt Clinton
Spring 1986 Shaw on Marriage Shaw Salmon
Fall 1985 Museum Howe Worley
Spring 1985 The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare Salmon
Fall 1984 Leonce and Lena Büchner Mason
Spring 1984 The Threepenny Opera Brecht/Weill Bernhard
Fall 1983 The Rivals Sheridan Clinton
Spring 1983 The Empire Builders Vian Clinton
Fall 1982 The Sea Bond Bernhard
Spring 1982 The Birthday Party Pinter Mason
Fall 1981 The Eccentricities of a Nightingale Williams Clinton
Spring 1981 The Philanderer Shaw Clinton
Fall 1980 Buried Child Shepard Bernhard
Spring 1980 Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Bernhard
Fall 1979 Picnic Inge Clinton
Spring 1979 The Miser Molière Clinton
Fall 1978 The Firebugs Frisch Clinton

Faculty and Staff History

Darrin Pufall: costume design and technology, 2007-11.

Kristeen Crosser: set, lighting, and sound design and technology, 2006-11.

Natalie Leavenworth: costume designer for the academic year 2005-06 and for fall 2006.

Max Muller: set and light designer, fall 1988 through spring 2006.

Cara Carr: costume designer, began service at Reed in 1979, constructing The Miser. Designed and constructed most faculty directed productions through spring 2005, and also designed I Have Loved Strangers in 2007. Designed and constructed costumes for Reed's Summer Theatre in 1975 (The Rivals) and 1976 (Edward II, Arsenic and Old Lace and Androcles and the Lion). Costume work for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival: 1977-78 season.

Russell Guinn: set and light designer, fall 1981 through spring 1988.

Dennis Miller: set and light designer, fall 1979 through spring 1981.

Warner Blake: set and light designer, academic year 1978-79 (and designer of stage and seating configuration of the Greenwood Performance Stage).