The Reed Care Team is an interdisciplinary team that proactively coordinates support for students navigating barriers, concerns, and issues that interfere with their ability to function at their best in the college setting.
Care Team Liaisons individually manages cases and work together to:
connect students to social, academic, personal, financial and health resources
reduce the burden of wayfinding during difficult or stressful situations
provide accurate and comprehensive information about college resources
The Care Team is lead by the Director of Student Support and is comprised of staff and faculty representing the Student Life Office, Student Support, Residence Life, Office for Institutional Diversity, Disability & Accessibility Services, Academic Support, International Student Services, and Community Safety.
Refer a Student to the Care Team
Anyone can refer a student to the Care Team via the online care referral form, including faculty, staff, students, family members, and others who believe a student might benefit from additional resources and support.
Individuals can also share and consult about concerns by contacting the Student Life Office, at 503-517-7396, or by emailing the Care Team at
Referrals are reviewed during normal business hours and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official college holidays. For emergency or urgent situations involving risk of harm to self or others, please call Reed Community Safety at 503-788-6666 or 911.
Reed Care Team FAQs
The Care Team provides support and resource connection to students navigating academic, interpersonal, financial or other difficulties. Examples include:
social isolation or withdrawal
housing or food insecurity
academic challenges (e.g. frequent absences)
occurrence of a recent loss or other crisis (e.g. family emergency)
interpersonal challenges and conflicts (e.g. relationship breakup, identifying community)
health or well-being concerns
The Care Team will treat information shared with utmost discretion and respect for the student's privacy. Members of the Care Team can never promise confidentiality when there are concerns for safety. With the exception of representatives from Health & Counseling and SHARE, members of the Care Team are obligatory reporters for potential Title IX violations. All members are mandatory reporters for child abuse. Visit Confidentiality and Reporting for more information on what to expect when you share information with the Care Team.
The Director of Student Support will review the referral information within 1–2 business day and coordinate with relevant Care Team members to offer outreach and support for the referred student. The director may also contact the referring party directly for more information if needed.
Care Team members are trained to listen, relay empathy, help problem-solve and make accurate referrals to relevant campus departments for further assistance. The Care Team works together to streamline and simplify administrative tasks or logistics for students who are navigating complicated challenges so students do not need to expend unnecessary energy working with each individual office separately. In most cases an individual Care Team member will be assigned as the student's primary contact. This individual will reach out to the student, relay comprehensive information about college services, resources and processes. In collaboration with the Director of Student Support, Care Team members will plan for continued check-ins and support for the student until the concerns are resolved.
We encourage community members to talk with the student first about their concerns before making a referral to the Care Team. However, there may be circumstances when this is not appropriate or possible. If requested in the referral form, members of the Care Team will take careful effort not to disclose the reporting party’s name. Due to the small size of our community or nature of your concern, however, a student may be able to conclude who made the referral.
Yes. However, please be aware if the Care Team is unable to follow up with you to verify information or ask clarifying questions, it may limit our ability to assist the student.
We are limited in what we can share with you after we reach out to a student, as it is important to us that we maintain the student's privacy. However, we will confirm receipt of a care referral and confirm that we will reach out to the student to offer assistance.
Your expression of concern may be a critical factor in supporting a student’s academic and emotional well-being. Listening, expressing care, and offering resources to the student can go a long way! Visit Concerned for a Student? for guidance on how to directly communicate care and concern to a student, and refer them to helpful support resources.