Student Life Office

Student Life Communications

Thursday, July 25, 2023

Dear Reed Community,

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Chris Toutain, Ph.D. (he/him/his), as the new Martha A. Darling Dean of Students. Chris will begin his role on August 1, 2023, just in time to warmly welcome new students and families to campus for orientation and residential move-in. I am confident that his expertise and dedication will continue to greatly benefit the entire Reed community.

Chris joined the college in July of 2020 and has served as the Title IX and 504 Coordinator, demonstrating a strong commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all. Prior to his tenure at Reed, Chris accumulated extensive experience in various functional areas of Student Life, including Residence Life, Student Conduct, Title IX, and the Dean of Students Office. Throughout his career, he has consistently shown a deep understanding of the needs of students, consistently putting their perspectives at the forefront of his work and decision making.

His ability to handle challenges with level-headedness, be a supportive colleague, offer valuable advice and perspective, and, above all, prioritize the student experience has been truly commendable. Chris has built meaningful relationships with students, staff, and faculty alike, fostering a sense of care within our community.

During the selection process, we received heartfelt feedback from colleagues and students, praising the significant contribution that Chris has had to their experience at Reed. I have no doubt that he will continue to make an even stronger and more meaningful impact on the Reed community in his new role as the Martha A. Darling Dean of Students.

Additionally, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Tawana L. Parks for her exceptional service as the inaugural Martha A. Darling Dean of Students. Tawana's contributions to our campus community have been immeasurable. Notably, her remarkable talent in creating a safe and supportive space for students who have experienced traumatic events has left a lasting impression on us all. Countless students have found solace and relief after spending time with Tawana, and for that we are forever grateful.

Please join me in congratulating Chris on his appointment as the new Dean of Students. Let us also extend a well-deserved round of applause to Tawana for her outstanding service to the college. It is the dedication and passion of individuals like Chris and Tawana that make Reed truly special.

We look forward to witnessing the positive impact of Chris's leadership and are excited for the future ahead for our Reed community.

Congratulations, Chris, and heartfelt gratitude, Tawana!

Best regards,

Dr. K 

Karnell McConnell-Black, Ed.D.

Vice President for Student Life

Reed College


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Student Life Office