Strategic Planning

Timeline and Implementation: 2013–15

The Ad-Hoc Strategic Priorities Committee was formed in spring 2013. The committee outlined the following timeline for its work:

A. Preparation: March–August 2013

March–May 2013
Ad-Hoc Committee meets to develop a plan for Strategic Planning. Discussion of process at April board of trustees meeting (April 12–13) and with CAPP, CAT, senior staff, and Vice Presidents. President makes introductory tours to alumni and parents in chapter cities for introduction, campaign celebration, and preliminary discussion of the college’s future.

June–July 2013
Ad-Hoc Committee gathers input from faculty, staff, and student leaders about draft plan, including suggested working groups. Ad-Hoc Committee considers input, finalizes planning timeline, and drafts protocols and charge for working groups. Discussion of college’s future continues with alumni over reunions (June 12–16), representing the first of a number of such forums to be held over the 2013–14 academic year. In addition, smaller working group to be recruited from alumni, parent, and friend leaders (now known as Strategic Planning Partners or SP2).

August 2013
Working groups chairs are appointed; faculty, staff and trustee members also selected. Ad Hoc Committee distributes charges and circulates set of background materials useful to working groups.

B. Work Phase: September 2013 - June 2014

September 2013–January 2014
Students selected for working groups, and working groups are finalized. Working groups meet, consult with community and with other working groups, share progress with the community, and prepare preliminary reports for the president. Any special guests for retreat are recruited. Working groups meet in conjunction with October board meeting, to facilitate trustee participation.

January 2014
Ad-Hoc Committee reconvenes to review reports and to consider steps for the second semester. In particular, how do the individual working group’s reports support or conflict with one another? Should committees be asked to work together more closely? Are costs of proposed changes accurately described? Does further information need to be gathered?

January–March 2014
Working groups continue their work based on input from president and others. Reports shared with community, further input gathered, relative merits of different options discussed, and ways that different proposals impact other areas of the college explored. February 2014 board meeting: president reports and working group’s trustee members report on progress.

April 2014
Final reports completed by working groups.

April–May 2014
President considers reports in consultation with Ad-Hoc Strategic Priorities Committee, CAPP, CAT, and senior staff. April board meeting: discussion of working groups reports. Retreat agendas and materials are formed and details finalized.

June 12–15, 2014
Joint retreat for faculty, senior staff, student representatives and trustees in Sunriver, Oregon. Major priorities determined.

C. Coordination and Execution Phase: Summer–Fall 2014

President works with faculty and staff leadership to create plans for implementing strategic priorities determined at Summer retreat, including fundraising planning. Budgetary impacts and fundraising targets for all possibilities are reviewed.


Implementation details will be provided here when they are available.
