Strategic Planning

Working Group E: Summer and January Term information sheet

Members: Ron Albertson, Kara Cerveny, Elisa Cibils ’15, Beth Martin, Hyong Rhew, Sonia Sabnis, Dean Schmeltz ’14, Peter Stockman ‘77 (co-chair), Irena Swanson '87 (co-chair) 

Working Group E would like to encourage a broad discussion about the following:

  1. How should we use summer and January terms to optimally benefit our students, our curriculum, and our research programs?
  2. Should there be academic summer classes? Do we need an academic bridge program in the summer before freshman year? How long should it be? How would participants be chosen? Who would teach?
  3. Should the January break be shortened or lengthened? General suggestions for Paideia/January term.
  4. Should we require work experience or community service (should we require it and allow students to earn credit as for PE)?
  5. How can we optimize (winter and summer) study-abroad programs?
  6. What expectations or requirements could accompany student work for a summer/winter internship?