Strategic Planning

Working Group G: Research, Teaching, and the Liberal Arts College information sheet

Members: Mark Bedau '77, David Dalton, Donald Engelman '02 (co-chair), Walter Englert (co-chair), Julie Fry, Shruti Korada '14, Trina Marmarelli, Ben Morris '15, Noelwah Netusil, Karen Perkins, David Schiff.

Working Group G is examining the relationship between teaching and research, the nature of the teacher-scholar and student-scholar, and ways Reed could better support faculty and student research.

Questions we are exploring include:

  • What is the relationship between teaching and research at Reed?
  • How and why is research meaningful to the educational mission of the College, both for faculty and students?
  • How do we understand the idea of the teacher-scholar and the student-scholar?
  • What can we do to better foster faculty and student research in ways that enrich teaching, learning, and the educational mission of the College?

Working Group G has been discussing these and related questions, gathering relevant data about past and current support of faculty and student research, interviewing faculty and students about the relationship of teaching and research at Reed. Further, Group G plans to follow up these efforts with an on-line survey of faculty and students, and, after analyzing the data that results, identify ways to improve support for faculty and student research.
