Strategic Planning

Working Group B: Intermediate and Advanced Curriculum information sheet

Members: Kris Cohen, Paul Currie (co-chair), Kurt Delbene, Jay Ewing ’97, Ariadne Garcia-Bryce, Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, Dena Hutto, Charlene Makley (co-chair), Elizabeth Pekarskaya '15, Janis Shampay, Kasra Shokat '14, Marcia Yaross '73

Working Group B would like to encourage a broad discussion about our basic questions:

  • What learning and skills do we want students to gain in later courses, whether in preparation for their theses or, more broadly, as part of an advanced liberal arts education or in preparation for life after Reed? 
  • What sort of balance do we think a Reed education should strike between disciplinary depth and breadth in the liberal arts? What would be the goal of this balance?
  • What kind of graduates do we want to produce and what academic requirements, institutional structures and pedagogical approaches (for example divisional structures, majors/minors, interdisciplinary programs, grading practices, junior qual/thesis) will further those goals?
  • What new fields or programs of study should we consider to augment our curriculum?

Our goal is to gather input on goals here rather than to analyze current practice.
