Strategic Planning

Community Forums: 2013–15

Open forums for the Reed community to discuss strategic planning have been scheduled as listed below. These forums are an opportunity for the community to provide input and ask questions related to the work of the various groups.

An information piece will be available one week prior to each forum, and they will be posted here

If you have questions and/or are unable to attend a forum that you are particularly interested in, the co-chairs of the various working groups are listed at the strategic planning web site, and members of the Strategic Priorities Committee* can be reached by email at

*Committee Members: John Kroger, chair. Faculty: Mark Burford, Noelwah Netusil, Nigel Nicholson, Kathy Oleson, Sonia Sabnis, Janis Shampay, Paul Silverstein. Staff: Hugh Porter. Student: Ari Galper. Trustee: Peggy Noto ‘75. Administrative Support: Dawn Thompson

Working Groups ABCG: Thursday, November 14, 4:30-6pm, Vollum Lecture Hall

 A. Foundational Curriculum

 B. Intermediate and Advanced Curriculum

 C. The Arts at Reed

 G. Research, Teaching and the Liberal Arts College

Working Groups FH: Thursday, November 21, 4:30-6pm, Eliot Hall Chapel

 F. Community Governance and Academic Administrative Structure

 H. Faculty and Staff Quality of Life

Working Groups IK: Thursday, December 5, 4:30-6pm, Eliot Hall Chapel

 I. Whom Do We Want to Educate?

 K. Long-term Financial Health of the Institution

Working Groups DEJ; Wednesday, December 11, 4:30-6pm, Eliot Hall Chapel

 D. Education Outside the Classroom

 E. Summer and January Term

 J. Student Success
