Athletics, Fitness & Outdoor Programs

Division of Student Life

Folk Dancing: From Classical Greek to Modern Israeli

Instructor: Bill Nelson 62'

Folk dancing, first and foremost, is about the joy of moving to music, combined with the celebration of community. The dances are usually done in a line or circle, giving the novice dancer the support of fellow dancers on either side. Historically, folk dancing, as I know it, began with the Greek hora about 3,000 years ago (as described by Homer). 

The class introduces students to some of the multitude of ethnic dances that
have evolved from the classical Greek Hora during the last 3,000 years . The Jewish
dance, Hava Nagila, is a famous example of a folk dance that evolved from the Greek Hora!

Students who take the class receive all the wonderful music played in the class!
And, soon, will receive videos of all our dances as well!

Class Days: Sunday 3:30-5:30 IN-PERSON