Mónica López Lerma
Associate Professor of Spanish and Humanities
Contemporary Spanish film and literature, film theory, law and humanities, political theory, aesthetics.
LLB 1997, DEA 2004 University of Valencia, Spain.
LLM 2000 European Academy of Legal Theory.
PhD 2010 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Reed College 2015–.
Mónica received a PhD in Comparative Literature and a Graduate Certificate in Film Studies from the University of Michigan. At Reed, she teaches a variety of interdisciplinary courses in film theory, political documentaries, law and violence, justice and the senses, and cinema and human rights. She has also taught at the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki, the Peter A. Allard School of Law of the University of British Columbia, and the School of International Relations of the Kyrgyz State National University. She is the author of Sensing Justice through Contemporary Spanish Cinema: Aesthetics, Politics, Law (Edinburgh University Press, 2021), co-editor of Rancière and Law (Routledge, 2018) and editor of Cartografías in/justas: Representaciones culturales del espacio urbano y rural en la España contemporánea (Editorial Comares, 2024) She is currently working on a new book project tentatively titled Documentaries Against the Law: Evidence, Affect, and Reflexivity.