Semantle! Word/Language Game

Game Description: Each guess must be a word (or short phrase like San Juan or id est). Semantle will tell you how semantically similar it thinks your word is to the secret word. Unlike that other word game, it's not about the spelling; it's about the meaning. The similarity value comes from Word2vec. The highest possible similarity is 100 (indicating that the words are identical and you have won). The lowest in theory is -100, but in practice it's around -34. By "semantically similar", I mean, roughly "used in the context of similar words, in a database of news articles." FAQ addresses UK spellings of words (thinking about Standard Language Ideology here): The data seems to be normalized to US spelling. Semantle tries to automatically Americanize your spelling (in the cases where only the American version is in the data set). Of course, they probably couldn't normalize some words, like 'biscuit', 'lift', or 'pants', so for those you're on your own.

Posted by Sarena Solodoff on May 2, 2022

Standard Language Ideology;

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