Key & Peele - Office Homophobe (Language of Homosexuality)

In many ways, Key and Peele focus on the concepts of stereotypes. In this video, the example is the perception of what is considered homosexual. Throughout the clip, it is demonstrated with one that has more focused effeminate inflection in his voice and does often associate heavily explicit material that manifests on the notion of language of homosexuality. Not only that, but the words and actions seem to be taken offense based on the entire argument of being persecuted for the actions of explicit material in the workplace. By the end, it shows that both individuals are homosexual with one following the stereotypes of language and body language of what societies perception of a homosexual and a more rea based homosexual in the same workplace. This demonstrates the notion many people have a perception of what is considered “natural” in language and people when focusing on the stereotype put effort to build around a language that deviates from the “norm.” Linguistically people have built perceptions about the culture behind various cultures and let the bias remain unchanged until something challenges the ideology. Here it is the perceptions of actions, body language, and various tones and words used that look to stereotype homosexuality.