Risk Management

Division of the Vice President & Treasurer

The goal of risk management is to support offices across campus in understanding and minimizing risks relating to their activities and to protect the college’s resources.

Questions? Contact the risk management office for more information.

Campus Purchases & Budget Managers

Budget managers order services and supplies in the normal course of activities and should always review the terms of these exchanges. If a vendor presents an agreement with terms other than basic purchase terms, describing specifics of the purchase, costs, and delivery, then the agreement should be reviewed by the risk management staff before the budget manager places the order.

Examples of unusual terms or conditions are

  • liability;
  • indemnification;
  • performance penalties;
  • contingencies.

Contract Basics & Responsibilities

Do you need a contract? Learn about the steps necessary to complete a contract on behalf of the college.

Learn more: contract basics


Determine the risk evaluation, insurance, and contract requirements for your event, in addition to contacting conference & events planning or student engagement to reserve space and promote your event.

Learn more: event risk management

Signing Authority

Please be aware that only a few roles have the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the college.

Learn more: who can sign your contract?

Travel & Van Use

Planning on traveling for a Reed-sponsored activity? Review rental, insurance, and accident information.

Learn more: transportation

Enterprise Risk Management

Reed’s enterprise risk management (ERM) process is designed to raise awareness and encourage control of risk throughout the college.

Learn more: ERM

Insurance Requirements

Insurance requirements for third parties that the college contracts with vary greatly based on the nature and extent of activities and services.

Learn more: insurance requirements