
The Company

Lucy Allison (Assistant Lighting Designer) is the Assistant Lighting Designer for Acts 2 and 3. Her favorite rhino fact is that when Marco Polo saw rhinos for the first time he thought they were unicorns!1

Kieran Andrews (Bérenger) is a senior theatre major performing in Rhinoceros as part of his senior thesis research. He is grateful to everyone involved in the production for this fantastic opportunity.2

Jaime Belden (Dudard) is a first year student hoping to pursue a Theatre/Dance major. They are thrilled to be working on their first production at Reed and exploring a new way of putting on a play.3

Aaron Berlau (Logician, Monsieur Jean) is a sophomore theatre major at Reed College and is very excited to embark on this digital journey with everyone involved and all listening! Being a fan of this show for a while, he is excited to voice the Logician and the Little Old Man - two very kooky characters!4

Kate Bredeson (Director) is a theater historian, director, dramaturg, and Associate Professor of Theatre at Reed, with a speciality in postwar French theater. Her first book, Occupying the Stage: the Theater of May '68 (Northwestern) is about the relationship between theater and protest.5

Robert Brigham (Conference and Events Planning)6

Molly Brownson (Waitress) is a freshman theatre major who is so excited to take part in her first show here at Reed! When she's not singing or doing something theatre-related, she enjoys reading just about anything she can get her hands on and playing with her three dogs and one cat.7

Bettina Broyles (Housewife) is an aspiring actress, cat/ dog owner, and tea connoisseur. She enjoys relaxing with a nice cup of tea and a book in her free time as well as going on occasional strolls through the canyon.8

Jimmy Caponera (Community Engagement) is a Junior Theatre major at Reed College, involved with Community Engagement for Rhinoceros. In his spare time, he enjoys painting, writing, and hanging with his friends.9

Ruby Carmel (Production Stage Manager): Having the opportunity to create theatre during this time, and to create theatre as a stage manager, is making Ruby a happier human. Ruby is a junior Comparative Race and Ethnicity Studies-Dance-Theatre major; in her free time she enjoys cuddling her cat, dancing through vegetable fields, and being vaguely ridiculous in a variety of rpgs.10

Madi Coleman (Assistant Stage Manager) is a freshman theatre major at Reed College. She is excited that she has been able to jump into the productions at Reed so quickly and she has loved every second of it. In her free time, Madi writes sitcom scripts and studies comedy.11

Caitlin Cisek (Production Manager, Scenic Design, Lighting Design, Costume Design, etc….) is a freelance costume designer and stylist, as well as Visiting Assistant Professor of Costume Design at Reed College; she has designed nationally with Burning Coal, The Boston Opera Collaborative, Westport County Playhouse, Capital Rep in Albany NY and The Davis Shakespeare Festival, and is currently working on a fashion-based editorial project on immigration called Huddled Masses which can be found at huddledmassesproject.com. Caitlin is a proud member of United Scenic Artist 829. www.caitlincisek.com12

Isaac Ellington (Botard) is a sophomore Dance-Theatre major and (hopefully!) French minor who is ecstatic to be involved in this unique and exciting process of creating pandemic theatre. A Portland-area native, Isaac performed and trained with Oregon Children’s Theatre and Northwest Children’s Theater in high school and most recently became a junior associate with Original Practice Shakespeare Festival after apprenticing for their online summer 2020 season, during which he had a blast performing in full drag for the first time as well as playing a young lover, a witch, and a lot of clownish servants in between; he hopes you enjoy this show just as much as he has enjoyed working on and learning from it (PS: he would also like to assure you he’s not as mean as Botard).13

Naama Friedman (Old Gent, Monsieur Jean's Wife, Vocal Warmup Leader) is a junior political science major with a theater minor who enjoys every aspect of communication. Fun hobbies include singing, playing piano, and writing musicals!14

Ryan Gamblin (Sound Designer) is a composer, sound designer, and theatre-maker. More information can be found at ryangamblin.com.15

Daniella Gersh (Assistant Costume Design)16

Anna Hendrickson (Assistant Scenic Designer) is a sophomore psychology major and the assistant scenic designer for Rhinoceros.17

Alice Irvin (Dramaturg) is a junior Theatre major (and hopefully a Sociology minor) who is so hyped to work on this show during this wild time! When she isn't dramaturging or doing theater, she enjoys doodling, writing strange things, making mac and cheese and vibing with her cat.18

Josh King (Jean) might have been late to the podcast fad, but he likes to think being a part of a Radio Play makes up for it. Josh’s dream in life is to become a clown, not the white makeup kind ... maybe the white makeup kind... the white makeup kind scares Josh.19

It seems Harper Lethin (Daisy) has yet to act in a “normal play” or be conscious for a presidential election during which they’re not part of a Rhinoceros production, and they couldn’t be more grateful for that. Outside of school and rehearsal, Harper pretty much exclusively draws and eats fermented food, but sometimes goes outside to look at big maple leaves, too.20

Eva Licht (Community Engagement) is a senior Biology-Theatre major at Reed and is studying using theatre for presenting science research. She is excited to connect with and support the broader community on the community engagement team for Rhinoceros.21

Wani Pandey (Assistant Stage Manager) is a sophomore ICPS Economics major, and is working as an Assistant Stage Manager from afar in Henderson, Nevada.22

Jason Parker (Website Design and Construction)23

Georgia Pori (Props Master) is delighted to be the props master in her first production. By day, she is an Art History major at Reed college and an avid dog enthusiast.24

Hailey Poutiatine (Grocer Woman) is a junior Linguistics Major/English Minor whose aspirations of a storytelling-based career include narrative studies, philology, historical reenactment, dialect coaching and acting; Rhinoceros is her second Reed Theatre production. When not performing, she enjoys worldbuilding, gaming, drawing, and enthusing about bears.25

August Singer (Assistant Stage Manager) is a junior dance major very excited to be working on their first show as an Assistant Stage Manager. When not working or studying, they enjoy playing the Sims, baking bread, and wishing they had a cat to hang out with.26

Adam Smith (Sound Design) is a Sound Designer and 3D Artist excited to work on this digital production of Rhinoceros. Thank you for joining us in this madcap experiment!27

Frank Tangherlini (Assistant Stage Manager) Existing during a time where up feels down and down feels up, Frank is excited to be doing something to expand their field in audio engineering and podcasting. Frank is a sociology major and the co-founder, co-host, and producer for Burn Your Draft, a podcast on the Reed Senior Thesis process and experience.28

Rusty Tennant (Technical Director) holds an MFA in Directing and Performance from The University of New Orleans and a BA in Theatre from Michigan State University. They are also the Artistic Director of Portland's award winning Fuse Theatre Ensemble (est. 2008).29

Alissa Warren (Costumes Director)30

Jesse Waldman (Boss of Café) is a first year Reed student and aspiring theater scholar and dramaturg who’s excited to do some theater for once that isn’t in early modern English, and is thrilled to do it with the wonderful, absurd, and brilliant Rhinoceros crew. Personally, he prefers turtles to rhinos – don’t you?31

Zoë Watch (Madame Boeuf) is a junior Theatre major who likes to create websites, short films, make shoes and travel to exotic lands (even if it’s just in her mind's eye). She also spends much of her time figuring out the hierarchy of businesses so that they run themselves, in addition she has only small amounts of continuity in her different hobbies to keep things interesting.32

Charlie Wilcox (Faculty Admin. Coordinator)33

Gabe Wilkie-Rogers (M. Papillon, Grocer Man) is tired.34

T. S. Wolff (Assistant Director, Narrator, Physical Warmup Leader) has been an active observer of the absurdities of the human condition since birth, though perhaps the same could be said of many. When they aren't nonchalantly announcing tragic events via podcast and reminding cast members to turn in program bios, you may find them producing amateur films about ghosts and minor holidays, writing increasingly existential plays, and overthinking life at the edge of a pond.35

Act III Editors:

  • Madi Coleman
  • T.S. Wolff
  • Avital Shira
  • Charlie Wilcox

Special Thanks To:

  • Catherine Witt for language consultation
  • Kate Duffly
  • Peter Ksander
  • Joe Janiga
  • Marty Ripp
  • Saga Darnell
  • Mahria Lebow

Costume Shop Staff:

  • Sol Bixby
  • Becca Gregor
  • Amelia Moriarty
  • Rajni Shulz
  • Naama Friedman

Scene Shop Staff:

  • Aaron Berlau
  • Ezra Fockens
  • Lucy Allison
  • Isaac Ellington
  • Rafi Monkarsh

Image Credits:

  1. ABSfreepic
  2. original design
  3. original design
  4. Fritz Ahlefeldt
  5. Le rhinocéros de Henri-Alfred Jaquemart et la tour Eiffel, Paris Musees)
  6. Caitlin Cisek
  7. BBC
  8. eBay
  9. original design
  10. Ruth Chrisman Gannett, Illustrator, My Father's Dragon
  11. Animal Crew
  12. original design
  13. Artfulscientist, Redbubble
  14. original design
  15. original design
  16. Caitlin Cisek
  17. original design
  18. original design
  19. Caitlin Cisek
  20. original design
  21. Wallpaper flare
  22. Fossatti, Raccolta di varie favole
  23. Caitlin Cisek
  24. Ami Vitale
  25. Durer Renaissance sketch
  26. The Gemmy Store
  27. Vladamir Ilic
  28. A-Z Animals
  29. Dreamstime
  30. Caitlin Cisek
  31. Caitlin Cisek
  32. Caitlin Cisek
  33. Caitlin Cisek
  34. Caitlin Cisek
  35. Juniper Wolff