
Behind the Scenes

First day of rehearsals!
Warmups at KB's house
Ruby's cat has thoughts about the amount of work she's doing.
Tennessee doing physical warmups.
Molly in the recording space/blanket fort.
Production meeting 9/25
Lion face (vocal warm-ups)
Five-minute squash break! (standard rehearsal procedure)
Actors rehearse for Act 2
Actors wave good-bye after a successful Act 1 rehearsal session!
The cast celebrates Kieran's birthday in characteristic rhinocerotic fashion!
Dramaturg Alice and AD T.S. working outside, social-distancing style, on website content.
Set construction underway from Technical Director Rusty Tennant and their socially distanced team.
Harper in their blanket fort recording studio
Josh recording Act 2!
Recording Act II scene ii from within DIY sound booths
Kieran in the box, recording for Act 2.
Some wonderful rhino art from Naama Friedman!
Caitlin Cisek's beautiful set for Act III, with inflatable rhinoceros
Covid protocol for solo filming in the Studio Theatre
Costume options in the green room
Caitlin Cisek's set for Act III in the Studio Theatre

Time lapse video of scenographer Caitlin Cisek working on the set in the Studio Theatre.

Rehearsal photo from October 22
Kieran Andrews rehearsing on three camera feeds in the Studio Theatre.
Stage Manager notes in Boston, Massachusetts
Stage Manager setup
Assistant Stage Manager August Singer spots a rhinoceros on campus in Eliot Circle
Scenographer Cait Cisek on set