The Restorative Practices Team

Division of Student Life

The Restorative Practices Team promotes an intentional and inclusive approach to building community, repairing harm, and providing support. Through authentic conversation in circle format, we hope to build resilience across the Reed campus. 

As one of the three Accountability Groups at Reed, the RPT is a resource for students, staff, and faculty seeking to address harm. We are an avenue that views personal accountability as an effort made by a person who has caused harm to repair that harm in relation to the person(s) they have harmed. This informal process is available to all Reed community members willing to engage in Restorative Practices, and can be opted toward at any point of an accountability process. We work alongside the Honor Council and the Judicial Board to provide a variety of avenues for Reedies to be accountable for harm. 

For more information, please contact the Restorative Practices Team.

Restorative Practices Team

Photo taken by Christian SeldenPhoto taken by Christian Selden

Reed's Restorative Justice Policy.

Mission Statement

The Restorative Practices Team is a student-led organization seeking to transform the power dynamics perpetuated by traditional justice processes at Reed. Through the creation of intentional spaces for dialogue, accountability, and healing, we are working to build and sustain a community where everyone feels they have a voice.

What is Restorative Practices?

Restorative practices are an alternative to traditional judicial systems. It encourages story telling, taking accountability, and giving all parties a voice, and allows the harmed party to voice what they need in order to heal. It is a voluntary process, and it prioritizes healing to punishment.

Who we are

A group of five students on campus working to integrate Restorative Practices into the way Reed considers justice, honor, and community. In 2017 the Restorative Justice Coalition was created by a group of students who wanted to address responses to cases of sexual harm; since then the Coalition has written and passed a pilot policy. We’re dedicated to continuing the work of the original student group to include more avenues for addressing harm within the Reed community.

What we do

We’re working to provide Restorative Practices as an avenue available to the Reed community in response to harm. Various Restorative Practices, like sitting in Circle and non-punitive judicial processes, are a set of traditions that are informed by and continue to be used today by Indigenous communities. We’re passionate about finding ways to bring together our community, holding space for difficult conversations, and dealing with conflict without causing more harm. For more information, please visit the Introduction to Restorative Practices page!

Contact us

If you have any questions or want to know more about what we do, feel free to send us an email: