Office of the Registrar

Academic Advising Handbook

Environmental Studies

Table of Contents

Sample First and Second Year Programs

For students beginning the major as first-year students with a concentration in Biology:

Courses typically taken by a first year ES student:

Fall Spring
Hum 110 Hum 110
Bio 101  Bio 102
Chem 101 Chem 102
ES 200



Courses typically taken by a second year ES student:

Fall Spring
Chem 201 Chem 202
Math 111 or CSCI 121   Math 141 or CSCI 121  
Bio 3XX    Bio 3XX   
ES–HSS   Chem 230



For students beginning the major as first-year students with a concentration in Chemistry:

Courses typically taken by a first year ES student:

Fall Spring
Hum 110 Hum 110
Bio 101   Bio 102 or ES-HSS
Chem 101 Chem 102
ES 200



Courses typically taken by a second year ES student:

Fall Spring
Chem 311 Chem 212
Math 111 Math 141
Phys 101   Phys 102 or Bio 102
ES–HSS  Chem 230



For students beginning the major as first-year students with a concentration in Economics:

Fall Spring
Hum 110  Hum 110 
Chem 101 Chem 102 or Bio 102
Math 111   Econ 201
ES 200



Courses typically taken by a second year ES student:

Fall Spring
Bio 101 ES-HSS
Econ 313  Econ 314
ES–HSS   Econ 3XX
Group I  Group I 



For students beginning the major as first-year students with a concentration in History:

Fall Spring
Hum 110   Hum 110  
Chem 101  Chem 102 or Bio 102
ES–HSS   Math 141
ES 200



Courses typically taken by a second year ES student:

Fall Spring
Bio 101 


ES–History History
Math 111


Group I  Group I 



For students beginning the major as first-year students with a concentration in Political Science:

Courses typically taken by a first year ES student:

Fall Spring
Hum 110   Hum 110  
Chem 101 Chem 102 or Bio 102
Group I or II  Group I or II 
ES 200


Courses typically taken by a second year ES student:

Fall Spring
Bio 101  ES–Political Science
Pol 2x0  ES–Political Science
Group I Group I


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