Sallyportal: Madly Blogging Reed

Lewis & Clark Students Issue Message of Support

In the wake of hate-filled graffiti discovered in the Hauser Library, we wanted to share this supportive message received from students at Lewis & Clark.

Dear Reed Student Body,

The Lewis & Clark community stands in solidarity with all of your students who today feel like targets of discrimination and violence. We stand with you in fighting and condemning any act of racial discrimination, sexism, homophobia, or anti-semitism that happens on your campus. Last year our community faced similar hardships. Prejudice​-​based violence continues to threaten students on our campuses. We must stand together to fight a climate of discrimination that is impacting individuals nationwide.

The Associated Students of Lewis & Clark College want you to know that you are not alone; your neighbors at Lewis & Clark support you; and, we will all persevere. We stand by your community in condemning acts of hate and discrimination o​n our campuses and in the City of Portland. We welcome conversations on how to move forward, how to better our campuses and communities,​ and how to stand firmly against acts of discriminatory violence. We’d like to work with you in finding ways to make everyone feel welcome in our communities, campuses, and city.

We are here to support your student body.

The Associated Students of Lewis & Clark

Thanks, Clarkies!

