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Religion professor to discuss Islamophobia

Prof. Kambiz GhaneaBassiri is one of the foremost scholars on the history of Islam.

Prof. Kambiz GhaneaBassiri [religion], an expert on the history of Islam, will address the City Club of Portland on the threat of Islamophobia on Friday.

When politicians call for Muslims to be barred from entering the United States and for Muslim citizens to be registered, it is clear that Islamophobia has become an increasingly common aspect of national conversation.

Prof. GhaneaBassiri will join educators, community organizers, and other scholars at the Sentinel Hotel to discuss how the rise of Islamophobia is playing out in the Pacific Northwest on Friday, January 8 at 12:15 p.m.

Author of A History of Islam in America, Prof. GhaneaBassiri is one of the foremost scholars on the history of Islam. His scholarship and teaching focus on the study of religion, the social and intellectual history of early and modern Islam in the Middle East, and American religious history. The central inquiry of his work is to discover how Islamic beliefs and practices interact with specific historical contexts to shape both individual and communal lives. He has also been a Guggenheim Fellow and a Carnegie Scholar. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Claremont McKenna College in religious studies and his master’s and doctoral degrees in the religion from Harvard University.

Tags: religion, Islam, Oregon
