Sallyportal: Madly Blogging Reed

Avengers Cut through Blue Tape

Students in Sequoia won the 2015 Blue Tape Art Competition with this mural of the Avengers. Gary Granger

While many college students fret about tangling with red tape, Reedies like to tangle with blue tape.

Last week Reed’s Grove Dorms held their fifth annual Blue Tape Art Competition, which gives students a chance to decorate their dorms and demonstrate their creativity—without making headaches for the maintenance crew.

Students in Sequoia won the competition with a vengeance— or rather with Marvel’s Avengers. This year’s winning mural for the theme of “Sci-Fi” was a sequence of panels depicting six of Marvel’s Avengers including the Hulk, Iron Man, and their leader, Capitan America.

Freshmen Ribby Suh ’18 and Bill Kim ’18 designed the winning mural and spent a total of 23 hours in the production of the intricate and detailed work.

The illustrious judges of the competition were President John Kroger, Community Safety Director Gary Granger, and Associate to the Dean of Students Britt Q Hoover.

The competition began in 2009 when the Grove Dorms were barely a year old. Students use blue tape, also known as masking tape or painter’s tape, because it peels off without leaving a mark or damaging the paint.Blue Tape Mermaid

“The competition is about students taking ownership of their community and making the space their own,” says Amy Schuckman, assistant dean of students for residence life. “And I had no idea what you could do with blue tape. Every year I am amazed.”

