Sallyportal: Madly Blogging Reed

Marketplace Spices Up Reunions 2014: Reedfayre

Hungry alumni swarm Marketplace at Reunions to taste creations of the culinary, mixological, and intellectual variety. Leah Nash

On Saturday afternoon of Reedfayre, the Performing Arts Building was abuzz with alumni, students, and families browsing the crafts, comics, cosmetics, and, most numerous of all, culinary creations, all cooked up by Reed alumni.

Always ready for a grand appearance, the Meat Smoke Crew greeted guests with enough pulled pork and brisket sandwiches to choke a Doyle Owl. Gigantic Brewing offered samples of its latest seasonal beers, including the Firebird smoked Hefeweizen, which founder Van Havig ’92 described as “like a peanut butter cup . . . two great things making one amazing thing.” Next door, Daniel Thomas ’89 served up delicious red and green tamales from his popular Portland restaurant Xico.

One of the most arresting displays belonged to Bob Combs ’90 of Combs Honey, whose table featured a transparent container filled with honeycomb—and live bees. Once drawn in by the bees, I couldn’t help but sample his blackberry honey and take home a couple slabs of honeycomb for myself.

Across the way from the buzzing bees was Christine Herman ’02 of Case Study Coffee, who offered three flavors of cold brew coffee. Drawing tasters to the table was a cold-brew drip tower that would make a steampunk sweat. Her Costa Rica cold brew was exactly the lightly sweet treat I needed to snap me out of an oncoming food coma just long enough to pick up a fresh made crêpe with homemade hazelnut spread from Suzette Creperie, started by Jehnee Raines ’93 in 2009.

New Reed also claimed a place at the Marketplace with Jonathan Perkins ’16 serving up scoops of homemade sunshine from the student-run Sunny Day Sorbet Society. “You gotta try this,” he said, plopping a dollop of jalapeño sorbet into my cup.

There was still more to behold in the Crafty Wonderland on the second floor of the Marketplace. Kim Damio MALS ’10, of Portland Black Lipstick Company, stole the show as she dolled up willing passersby in unexpected shades of lipstick, with names like Undead Red and Pewter Cauldron. Artist Lucy Bellwood ’12 displayed a variety of comics and postcards, including True Believer, a product of her senior thesis. 

In all of the excitement, I didn’t get the chance to meet all of the wonderful, alumni vendors including Tom Burkleaux ’92 of New Deal Distillery, Emily Johnson ’02 of EmPrint Press, Minott Kerr ’80 of Clear Creek Distillery, Taya Koschnick ’05 of Tasi Designs, Nancy Prior ’97 of No. 2 Print Shop, Dawn Seymour ’80 of Fiber Rhythm Craft and Design, Daniel Thomas ’89 of Xico, and Shimron Tubman ’05 of Naphitali's Catering. Luckily, all are in the Portland area and only a bike ride away.

Overall, Marketplace stole the show at Reunions as students and alumni of all generations were able to browse, celebrate—and taste—the creativity of their classmates.

Tags: alumni, Reunions
