Sallyportal: Madly Blogging Reed

Spring Fall Thesis Parade is a Soggy Success

Spring/Fall Thesis Parade 2012

Portland can be a bit gloomy this time of year, when unremitting rain provides the soundtrack for what can seem like unending final's work. But those grey skies couldn't dampen the spirit of the spring-fall thesis parade, which was celebrated last week in a particularly heartwarming bout of collective effervescence.

Bedecked in colorful costumes and covered in glitter, students danced and hugged each other to the beat of Reed’s drum corps. About 30 seniors hurled their thesis drafts on the bonfire in front of the library as classmates sprayed them with champagne (thankfully the temperature did not dip below the mid 50s).

The theme of this year’s parade was “Valhalla,” and there were plenty of horned helmets and fur capes in the crowd. The celebrations continued into the evening, with a beer garden hosted by Beer Nation, a dance party in the student union, and an appearance by the Woolen Men, a Portland garage rock band.

The seniors are not done just yet—they still have finals to finish up—but they have turned in their theses, and no amount of rain can wash away that ecstatic feeling.

Tags: spring, fall, thesis, seniors, graduation, student life, traditions
