Sallyportal: Madly Blogging Reed

Colleges That Change Lives


Reed is proud to be featured in the latest edition of Colleges That Change Lives. Originally written in 1996 by former New York Times education editor Loren Pope, the newest edition of the book was released this month. Colleges That Change Lives is different from other college guides. In its own words, it exhorts students to "be bold" and seek a "transformative college experience":

Don't fall for Ivy worship. Don't listen to the blather about "best" schools whipped up by the rankings game. . . . College isn't just about the end result. It's also about the means, the process, the path you take to earn your degree, whom you meet, and who inspires and mentors you.

Reed has always been fiercely independent of fads. We have always maintained a relentless focus on teaching; a passion for the liberal arts; faculty/student collaboration in the conference, lab, and studio; and a holistic review of student applicants.

After an intensive visit to campus in 2011, the book's new editor Hilary Oswald found that Reed is still an exemplar of the values of this renowned, rankings-free guidebook, which calls Reed "the most intellectual college in the country."

As alumni know, Reed has enjoyed national visibility and increased applications over the years. But our philosophy hasn't changed: 

Reed is more selective than the other schools in this book . . . So what is Reed doing in this book of colleges that take B students? Despite its increasing selectivity, Reed still takes risks on students who demonstrate intellectual potential and passion for learning . . .You don't have to look far at Reed to find a student who was the brilliant-but-bored high-school student, the one who read Ulysses because he wanted to or designed and built his own computer for fun . . . Its admission staff reviews each application carefully and takes seriously the job of finding people who have the intellectual horsepower to handle Reed's academic program.

In a world full of colleges trying to be all things to all students, dominated by inane lists ranking everything from the party scene to the cafeteria, Colleges That Change Lives is great company for Reed.

Tags: admissions, intellectual, Joyce
