Sallyportal: Madly Blogging Reed

March Madness Preview


Game on.

Reed's annual one-of-a-kind basketball tournament is happening tonight. Started over 20 years ago by Erik Brakstad '89, the event features students, alumni, staff, and various other life forms in a bouncy, spherical celebration of America's tallest sport.

Here is the bracket as of press time:

Basted Roast Beast vs. Vapor Trail.

Right Bank vs. House Husbands.

Mutombo vs. Multiple Scoregasms.

Griffins I vs. Griffins II.

The smart money is on the House Husbands, but this is Reed, so smart doesn't count for much. The really smart money is on Right Bank (also alumni, sprightlier than the Husbands). But the Philosophy 321 money is on Griffins I, whose mastery of backcourt modal logic is irresistible. The tournament typically features oddball costumes, unorthodox maneuvers, and a zany half-court shot contest. So grab your jersey and head down to the Watzek Sports Center. Tip-off for the first round is 6 pm.

Erik wrote a nice piece about the annual alumni-student basketball game for the magazine in June 2010. And check out Frank Zornado's writeup of the March Madness tourney from 2003.

Tags: alumni, hoops, Portland, sports, student life
