Sallyportal: Madly Blogging Reed

Beyond the Letters

Great piece on Lloyd Reynolds by Brett Campbell in Willamette Week:

As Apple founder Steve Jobs suggested in that 2005 address, calligraphy's importance extends beyond monks and type designers, and a big reason for that is Lloyd Reynolds (1902-1978), who created Reed's celebrated calligraphy curriculum and also taught at Marylhurst, the Museum School (now Pacific Northwest College of Art) and in the Portland public schools. The Franklin High graduate became one of the best-known calligraphers in the world, named the state's Calligrapher Laureate by Gov. Tom McCall.

An exhibition dedicated to a calligrapher might promise little more than rows of elegant lettering, but Reed's new overview of Reynolds' work, , shows that his abundant art and life extended beyond letters.

Click here for the full piece.

