Public Affairs

Guidelines & Tutorials

The guides below will help you create content on behalf of Reed College and understand expectations for photo rights and recording. 


Campus News Submission Guidelines

Check the schedule, deadlines, and requirements for submitting to Campus News.

Website Tutorials & Guidelines

Learn how to update web pages you manage, create accessible and user-friendly content, and ensure you have rights to photos you post on your page. Go directly to our full SEO or Web Images guidelines.

Editorial Style Guide

Make quick and consistent decisions about spelling, capitalization, grammar, style, usage, and other challenges when developing copy for internal and external audiences.

Graphic Standards

Properly utilize the college seal, wordmark, griffin, and official colors and align your content with Reed's brand identity. 

Social Media Channels & Guidelines

Review best practices and expectations for managing Reed-affiliated social media content. 

Recording Guidelines

Understand expectations regarding photography, videography, and recording at Reed.