Stata Help


The adjust command tells Stata to display tables of means, probabilities, and/or exponential linear predictions adjusted according to the model. An easier way to think about the adjust command is simply as a command which displays prediced values in a table without altering the data set itself.

There are three sort of schools of using the adjust command. First you can use it to answer questions like "in my model, what happens to the mean/standard error/forecast standard error/confidence intervals of the outcome variable (you can use the by suffix as well) when all the other variables in the model are at their mean?". Along those lines, but somewhat differently adjust can tell you the predicted mean according to your model in a case where you tell adjust what each independent variable's value is (e.g., predict the value of a single case created/defined by the user). By leaving a variable from the model unspecified, adjust will then calculate the outcome for every value of the variable that is in the data set and use those to calculate a mean value for the outcome variable.

If adjust seems like something you'll find useful, you can learn more about it by typing help adjust or seeing the entry for adjust in [R] Stata's Reference Manual. Additional web documentation is available using findit adjust but most of this assumes you have already read [R] adjust.

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