2023 conferences
[Reed students in bold]
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) - June 22-25, New York City
Melloni, L., Mudrik, L., Pitts, M., & Cogitate Consortium (2023) Putting theories to test: an overview of the
Cogitate Consortium - an open science adversarial collaboration testing GNWT and IIT. [POSTER PDF]
Pitts, M. (2023) Attention, consciousness, and the richness debate. [TALK SLIDES]
2022 conferences
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) - November 12-16, San Diego CA
Dembski, C., Ortego, K., Steinhilber, C., Cohen, M., & Pitts, M. (2022) EEG bifurcation dynamics in the absence of report in a visual masking paradigm. [POSTER PDF]
Liu, A. & Pitts, M. (2022) Spatial attention control mechanism modulated by subliminal stimuli. [POSTER PDF]
Nicolacoudis, A., Allison, L., Montano, I., Rajendran, A., Fenner, M., Pitts, M., Sarig, A., Mudrik, L., & Schurger, A. (2022) Triangulating consciousness: A no-report dichoptic color fusion EEG paradigm for isolating NCCs. [POSTER PDF]
Montano, I., Rajendran, A., Allison, L., Nicolacoudis, A., Mudrik, L., Sarig, A., Schurger, A., & Pitts, M. (2022) Triangulating neural correlates of consciousness. [POSTER PDF]
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) - July 12-15, Amsterdam Netherlands
Pitts, M., Dembski, C., Ortego, K., Steinhilber, C., & Cohen, M. (2022) Distinct EEG bifurcation dynamics in report and no-report conditions of a visual masking paradigm. [TALK SLIDES]
Fenner, M., Pitts, M., Wen, E., Bennett, M., Sarig, A., Mudrik, L., & Schurger, A. (2022) A no-report dichoptic color fusion EEG paradigm for isolating NCCs. [POSTER PDF]
Franklin A. & Pitts M. (2022) "Laurel & Yanny": EEG neural correlates of an auditory bistable language stimulus. [POSTER PDF]
Barone, S. & Pitts, M. (2022) Investigating the appearance of perceptual richness: A systematic review. [POSTER PDF]
Vision Sciences Society (VSS) - May 13-18, St Pete Beach FL
Dembski, C., Ortego, K., Steinhilber, C., Cohen, M., & Pitts, M. (2022) EEG bifurcation dynamics in a no-report visual awareness paradigm. [POSTER PDF]
2020-2021 conferences
[cancelled due to COVID-19]
2019 conferences
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) - June 25-28, London Ontario CA
Kyroudis, A., Ortego, K., Hillyard, S., Cohen, M., & Pitts, M. (2019) Neural correlates of visual awareness and task-relevance in a no-report masking paradigm. [POSTER PDF]
Ortego, K., Canseco-Gonzalez, E., & Pitts, M. (2019) EEG signatures of perceptual reversals of bistable visual and linguistic stimuli. [POSTER PDF]
2018 conferences
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) - November 3-7, San Diego CA
Ortego, K., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2018) Neural signatures of perceptual reversals of bistable visual and linguistic stimuli. [POSTER PDF]
Hendry, C., Hough, A., Chesley, O., Graulty, C., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2018) Synesthesia, visual search, and the N2pc. [POSTER PDF]
Kyroudis, A., Cohen, M., & Pitts, M. (2018) Neural activity linked with visual awareness and task-relevance in a novel 2x2 design. [POSTER PDF]
Pitts, M., Hendry, C., Glass, J., Dykstra, A., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2018). EEG differences between perceiving speech versus noise in physically identical sine-wave speech stimuli. [POSTER PDF]
Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning (CSAIL) - July 26-30, Hood River OR
Ortego, K., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2018) Neural signatures of perceptual reversals of bistable visual and linguistic stimuli.
Hendry, C., Hough, A., Chesley, O., Graulty, C., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2018) Synesthesia, visual search, and the N2pc. [TALK SLIDES]
Kyroudis, A., Cohen, M., & Pitts, M. (2018) Neural activity linked with visual awareness and task-relevance in a novel 2x2 design. [TALK SLIDES]
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) - June 26-29, Krakow PL
Pitts, M., Glass, J., Dykstra, A., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2018) Isolating neural signatures of conscious speech perception with a "no report" sine-wave speech paradigm. [TALK SLIDES]
2016 conferences
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) - November 12-16, San Diego CA
Pitts, M. & Baumgartner, H (2016) Does spatial attention modulate afferent activity in primary visual cortex? [POSTER PDF]
Chesley, O., Graulty, C., Canseco-Gonzalez, E., & Pitts, M. (2016) Synesthetic grapheme-color associations are processed early in time and can guide attention during visual search. [POSTER PDF]
Scarpetta, M., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2016) Neural correlates of auditory attention in an exogenous orienting task. [POSTER PDF]
Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning (CSAIL) - July 28- August 1, Hood River OR
Pitts, M., Davidson, G., & Bauer, P. (2016) Isolating neural signatures of conscious perception with perceptually bistable stimuli. [TALK SLIDES]
Graulty, C., Chesley, O., Canseco-Gonzalez, E., & Pitts, M. (2016) The timing of synesthetic color processing and its influence on attention during visual search. [TALK SLIDES]
Scarpetta, M., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2016) Neural correlates of auditory attention in an exogenous orienting task. [TALK SLIDES]
Vision Sciences Society (VSS) - May 13-18, St Pete Beach FL
Pitts, M., Cohen, M., & Jackson-Nielsen, M. (2016) Inattentional blindness to color ensemble statistics. [POSTER PDF]
Northern California Consciousness (NCC) meeting - March 4-5, UC Davis, CA
Pitts, M. (2016) Inattentional blindness and visual awareness without report. [TALK SLIDES]
2015 conferences
Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning (CSAIL) - July 31- August 4, Hood River OR
Pitts, M. (2015) Progress in the search for the neural correlates of visual awareness. [TALK SLIDES]
Bauer, P., Samaha, J, Cimaroli, S., & Postle, B. (2015) Top-down control of alpha phase as a mechanism of temporal prediction. [TALK SLIDES]
Graulty, C., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2015) Neuronal dynamics of grapheme-color synesthesia.
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) - July 7-10, Paris FR
Pitts, M. (2015) Neural signatures of visual word form perception in an inattentional blindness paradigm. [TALK SLIDES]
Jackson-Nielsen, M. & Pitts, M. (2015) Conscious perception of color and size ensemble statistics requires attention. [POSTER PDF]
Graulty, C., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2015) Color processing in grapheme-color synesthetes: An attentional blink ERP study. [POSTER PDF]
Bauer, P. & Pitts, M. (2015) Electrophysiological correlates of individual percepts arising from the bistable face-vase figure.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) - March 28-31, San Francisco CA
Graulty, C., Papaioannou, O., Bauer, P., Stephens, M., Sheiman, J., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2015) Hearing shapes: ERPs reveal changes in perceptual processing as a result of sensory substitution training. [POSTER PDF]
Macrae, F. & Pitts, M. (2015) Does inducing belief in free will alter brain correlates of preconscious motor preparation?: A replication study. [POSTER PDF]
Papaioannou, O., Strand, J., Graulty, C., Ortego, K., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2015) Multistage audiovisual speech processing modulating the mismatch negativity. [POSTER PDF]
Pitts, M., Metzler, S., & Hillyard, S. (2015) Isolating neural correlates of conscious perception from neural correlates of reporting one's perception: A 2x2 manipulation of visual awareness and task-relevance. [POSTER PDF]
Schelonka, K., Canseco-Gonzalez, E., & Pitts, M. (2015) Preconscious, conscious, and post-perceptual processing of visual word forms in an inattentional blindness paradigm. [POSTER PDF]
2014 conferences
Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning (CSAIL) - July 31- August 4, Hood River OR
Pitts, M., Shafto, J., & Schelonka, K. (2014) Inattentional blindness for shapes, faces, and words: ERP correlates of attention & awareness. [TALK SLIDES]
Canseco-Gonzalez, E., Graulty, C., Papaioannou, O., Bauer, P., & Pitts, M. (2014) Studying the time course of sensory substitution mechanisms. [TALK SLIDES]
Vision Sciences Society (VSS) - May 16-21, St Pete Beach FL
Graulty, C., Papaioannou, O., Bauer, P., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2014) Electrophysiological dynamics of auditory-visual sensory substitution. [POSTER PDF]
Pitts, M., Martinez, A., & Hillyard, S. (2014) Contour integration and its independence from attention, awareness, and task-relevance. [POSTER PDF]
2013 conferences
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) - November 9-13, San Diego CA
Shafto, J. & Pitts, M. (2013) Visual processing of faces during inattentional blindness. [POSTER PDF]
Lewis, M. & Pitts, M. (2013) On the practice of replicating an electrophysiological study with the Center for Open Science. [POSTER PDF]
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) - July 12-15, San Diego CA
Pitts, M. (2013) Isolating NCCs that are necessary and sufficient for visual awareness. [TALK SLIDES]
Shafto, J. & Pitts, M. (2013) Neural signatures of conscious face perception: The N170 is absent during inattentional blindness. [TALK SLIDES]
Davidson, G. & Pitts, M. (2013) ERPs reflecting perceptual reversals of a novel bistable auditory stimulus. [POSTER PDF]
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) - April 12-16, San Francisco CA
Padwal, J., Pitts, M., Fennelly, D., Martinez, A., & Hillyard, S. (2013) Contour integration: Stimulus and task-based modulations of ERPs and gamma oscillations. [POSTER PDF]
Schelonka, K., Graulty, C., Canseco-Gonzalez, E., & Pitts, M. (2013) Event-related potentials elicited by sine-wave speech stimuli before and after speech recognition training. [POSTER PDF]
Yiu, L., Krisnabai-Gitanjali, K., Pitts, M., & Canseco-Gonzalez, E. (2013) An electrophysiological study of the time course of bilingual word recognition. [POSTER PDF]