Emotions and Wellbeing
Below are questions pertaining to Reed students' feelings about emotions and well-being.
How many days a week do you go to the sports center? (compared to typical Reed student)
Year: 2018
Scale: 1 - 7 days
Actual norm = 2.71 (SD = 1.54)
Perceived norm = 2.47 (SD = 1.03)
t(102) = 1.36, p < .18, not significant
Participants report that they go to the sports center about as many days as the average Reed student.
How often do you ask for help related to mental health? (compared to typical Reed student)
Year: 2018
Scale: 1 = Never, 7 = Very Often
Actual norm = 2.81 (SD = 1.84)
Perceived norm = 3.72 (SD = 1.26)
p < .0001, significant
Participants report that they ask for mental health related help significantly less than the average Reed student.
How comfortable are you asking a professor for extensions on assignments due to mental health reasons? (compared to typical Reed student)
Year: 2018
Scale: 1 = Not at all Comfortable, 2 = Very Comfortable
Actual norm = 2.28 (SD = 1.59)
Perceived norm = 3.44 (SD = 1.34)
p < .0001, significant
Participants report that they are significantly less comfortable asking for extensions due to mental health reasons than the average Reed student.
How many hours per week do you spend engaging in self-care strategies (excluding sleep)? (do you think most Reed students...)
Year: 2015
Scale: 0 = 0-3.5 hrs, 1 = > 3.5-7hrs, 2 = > 7-10.5 hrs, 3 = > 10.5-14 hrs, 4 = > 14-17.5 hrs, 5 = 17.5-21 hrs, 6 = > 21-24.5 hrs, 7 = > 24.5-28 hrs, 8 = > 28-31.5 hrs, 9 = > 31.5-35 hrs, 10 = > 35-38.5 hrs, 11 = > 38.5-42 hrs
Actual norm = 1.96 (SD = 2.46)
Perceived norm = 1.39 (SD = 1.84)
p < .0001, significant
Participants report that they spend significantly more hours per week engaging in self-care than the average Reed student.
How happy do you feel on a daily basis? (do you think most Reed students...)
Year: 2015
Scale: 0 = not happy at all--absolutely and totally miserable, 5 = not particularly happy or unhappy, 10 = extremely happy--near-constant happiness
Actual norm = 5.26 (SD = 2.02)
Perceived norm = 5.02 (SD = 1.19)
p < 0.19, not significant
Participants report being about as happy as the average Reed student.
How many hours of sleep do you get on an average night?
Year: 2013
Scale: Number of hours
Actual norm = 6.76 (SD = 1.30)
Perceived norm = 5.86 (SD = 0.92)
p < .0001, significant
Participants report that they get more hours of sleep on an average night than the average Reed student.
How lonely do you feel that you are at Reed?
Year: 2013
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (very)
Actual norm = 4.16 (SD = 1.90)
Perceived norm = 4.38 (SD = 1.21)
p = .21 , not significant
Participants report that they are less lonely than the average Reed student.
How connected do you feel to your Reed peers?
Year: 2013
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (very)
Actual norm = 3.94 (SD = 1.62)
Perceived norm = 4.41 (SD = 1.09)
p < .005, significant
Participants report that they feel less connected than the average Reed student.
How would you rate the quality of your friendships at Reed?
Year: 2013
Scale: 1 (poor) to 7 (excellent)
Actual norm = 5.06 (SD = 1.75)
Perceived norm = 5.29 (SD = 0.95)
p = .16 , not significant
Participants report that they have lower quality friendships than the average Reed student.
How mentally healthy do you feel?
Year: 2012
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely)
Actual norm = 4.03 (SD = 1.63)
Perceived norm = 3.44 (SD = 0.96)
p < 0.0001, significant
Participants report that they are mentally healthier than the average Reed student.
How comfortable do you feel around people with mental health disorders?
Year: 2012
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely)
Actual norm = 4.85 (SD = 1.34)
Perceived norm = 4.36 (SD = 1.28)
p < 0.0001, significant
Participants report that they are more comfortable around people with mental disorders than the average Reed student.
How comfortable do you feel around people with learning disabilities?
Year: 2012
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely)
Actual norm = 5.02 (SD = 1.51)
Perceived norm = 4.37 (SD = 1.41)
p < 0.0001, significant
Participants report that they are more comfortable around people with learning disabilities than the average Reed student.
How comfortable do you feel around people who have sought professional help for a psychological problem?
Year: 2012
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely)
Actual norm = 5.69 (SD = 1.23)
Perceived norm = 5.20 (SD = 1.18)
p < 0.0001, significant
Participants report that they are more comfortable around people who have sought professional help for a psychological problem than the average Reed student.
How happy are you?
Year: 2008
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely)
Actual norm = 4.71 (SD = 1.34)
Perceived norm = 4.35 (SD = 0.92)
p < 0.0001, significant
Participants report that they are happier than the typical Reed student.
How moften do you exercise in the sports center?
Year: 2007
Scale: 1 = Not at all, 7 = Very often
Actual norm = 3.07 (SD = 1.89)
Perceived norm = 2.88 (SD = 1.13)
t(160) = 1.17, p < .24, not significant
Participants report that they exercise in the sports center about as often as the average Reed student.
How important is each of the following reasons for you when choosing to exercise?
Year: 2007
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely)
Because I feel good when I exercise:
Actual norm = 5.91 (SD = 1.42)
Perceived norm = 5.40 (SD = 1.24)
p < 0.0001, significant
To look good:
Actual norm = 4.63 (SD = 1.89)
Perceived norm = 4.30 (SD = 1.41)
p < 0.05, significant
To feel good:
Actual norm = 5.60 (SD = 1.59)
Perceived norm = 5.10 (SD = 1.18)
p < 0.0001, significant
So I don’t gain weight:
Actual norm = 4.51 (SD = 2.05)
Perceived norm = 4.67 (SD = 1.18)
p = .28, not significant
To be healthy:
Actual norm = 5.56 (SD = 1.52)
Perceived norm = 4.97 (SD = 1.37)
p < 0.0001, significant
Because I am training for a sport:
Actual norm = 2.39 (SD = 2.14)
Perceived norm = 3.05 (SD = 1.44)
p < 0.002, significant
To procrastinate/distract myself from schoolwork:
Actual norm = 2.88 (SD = 1.97)
Perceived norm = 3.49 (SD = 1.60)
p < 0.0001, significant
To be physically fit:
Actual norm = 4.49 (SD = 1.91)
Perceived norm = 3.62 (SD = 1.04)
p < 0.0001, significant