President’s Office

President’s speeches, letters, and articles

Subject: Announcing the formation of a staff committee on diversity

September 8, 2020

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

It gives me great pleasure to announce the formation of the Staff Committee on Diversity (Staff CoD). The Staff CoD will make recommendations to senior leadership that it believes would lead to the enhanced recruitment and retention of staff from underrepresented and historically marginalized groups, especially racial and ethnic groups. The Staff CoD will also make recommendations to senior leadership to promote inclusive and culturally responsive practices within the college’s departments and across its units. In partnership with the Office for Institutional Diversity and the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Staff CoD will promote education, communication, and dialogue between and among campus constituencies on issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

The Staff CoD will consult with the existing Committee on Diversity constituted under the bylaws of the faculty constitution and the Student Committee on Diversity formed under the auspices of the Student Senate. The three committees will meet at least once per semester to report on their ongoing work and to discuss challenges, goals, and initiatives that cross constituencies.

Staff CoD members will include one staff member from admission, college relations, student life, the dean of the faculty's office, and the treasurer's office. The dean for institutional diversity and the director of human resources will serve ex-officio.

Human resources will put out its annual call for staff members to serve on college committees later this month. Following that process, I will appoint staff members to the inaugural Staff CoD, and it will begin its work soon thereafter.

I look forward to working with all three committees on diversity to further our efforts to make Reed a more diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist community.

All my best,



Audrey Bilger