President’s Office

Foster-Scholz Distinguished Service Award

The Foster-Scholz Distinguished Service Award is given to alumni who have made major contributions to the community and the college.

The Foster-Scholz Club, which confers the award annually at Reunions, was named for the first two presidents of the college and represents alumni from Reed’s earliest classes through the most recent 40th reunion class.

Past Recipients of the Foster-Scholz Award

2024: Steven Falk '83 and Barbara West '64

2023: Mark McLean ’70 and Eduardo Ochoa ’73

2021 & 2022: Connie Brand ’78, John Aikin Cushing ’67, John Allen Cushing ’67, Paul Alan Levy ’72

2020: Laura Leviton ’73

2019: Jan Liss ’74

2018: Stephen R. McCarthy ’65

2017: Marcia Yaross ’73

2016: Jas Adams ’71, Diane Rosenbaum ’71, and Martha Darling ’66

2015: Marianne Buchwalter ’45 and Kathia Naumann Emery ’67

2014: Donald Green ’54 and Gay Walker ’69

2013: Ted Reich ’51 and Barbara Weeks Shettler ’50

2012: Linda Hammill Matthews ’67, Jerome Stern ’48

2011: Virginia Hancock ’62 and Barbara Smith-Thomas ’64

2010: Shirley Georges Gittelsohn ’49 and Constance E. Putnam ’65

2009: Frederick “Fred” Ellis ’38

2008: Barret E. “Barry” Hansen ’63 (aka Dr. Demento)

2007: Joseph F. Bunnett ’42

2006: Harris Dusenbery ’36 and Alice Goon Lowe ’48

2005: Fred Rosenbaum ’50

2004: Abraham Bergman ’54, Harry Jacob ’54, and Eleanor Emmons Maccoby ’39

2003: Carl Cadonau ’43; Richard Havel ’46; Patricia Brownell Lee ’43

2002: Sumner Rodriguez ’42; Dorothy Hirsch ’52

2001: George Joseph ’51; Gary Snyder ’51

2000: John Simpson ’40; Anna Lou Dehavenon ’48

1999: Clarence Allen ’49; Pearl Atkinson; Elizabeth (Warnock) Fernea ’49

1998: Ernest Bonyhadi ’48, William Gittelsohn ’48, Ray Steed ’41

1997: Carl Stevens ’42, Janice Robinson Stevens ’44, Hans Linde ’47

1996: Florence Walls Lehman ’41

1995: Daniel Labby ’35

1994: Mary Barnard ’32; Dorothy Johansen ’33; Frederic Rothchild ’34, Lendon Smith ’43

1993: Elizabeth Orr Kratz ’23; C. Herald Campbell ’33; Virginia Paris Campbell ’34; Donald Olson ’43

1992: Elizabeth Brown ’40; Louis T. Benezet, M.A. ’39; Wallace MacCaffrey ’42; Lester Van Atta ’27

1991: Herman Herst ’31

1990: Jacob Avshalomov ’43

1989: Jessie Laird Brodie ’20

1988: Jane Neuberger Goodsell ’42

1987: Frank Griffin, Jr. ’31

1986: Howard Vollum ’36 (posthumously)

1985: Gladys Dobson ’17

1984: C. Easton Rothwell ’24

1983: Elsa Gill Perrow ’15

1982: Harlow Lenon ’35

1981: Wayne Kuhn ’25 and Agnes Lakie Kuhn ’27

1980: Ambrose Brownell ’17 and Helen Phillips Brownell ’19

1979: Maurine Laber ’16

1978: Otto George ’25

Criteria for the Award (quoted from the History of the Foster-Scholz Club)

The last event of the year is traditionally the Foster-Scholz Club luncheon during Reunions. This luncheon honors the 50th and 60th Reunion classes as special guests. Also on this occasion, the Club usually confers the Distinguished Service Award. This tradition was begun in 1975 or so and is designed to recognize a Club member (in Portland or not) who has made major contributions to the community and/or the College.”

Guidelines for selection of recipients affirmed by the selection committee in December 1992 and January 1993

There was discussion of the criteria to be considered in making the award(s). The committee felt it was important to concentrate on the reunion group. Other relevant criteria were: the contribution to the community, consistency of financial support to Reed, a balance among recipients regarding gender, profession, and age. The award, it was felt, should not be given posthumously, graduation should not be a criterion, and the award should be given to people who have not been honored previously by the school. The number of awards to be given shall remain flexible.